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- Gavin -

Everybody was in desperate panic as the camp leader and his assistants gathered them all away from the flaming scene of the burning cabin. Bewildered chatter and horrified shouts filled the air, a stark contrast to the usual peace that could be tangibly felt. This was an act of evil - that was obvious to anybody who had the blessing of eyes to see.

As he stood in the crowd of terrified onlookers while the camp leader hastily distributed orders to his assistants, Gavin helplessly looked up to the smoke-filled sky.

Lord, help us! We need you right now.

Barely seconds had passed before Isaiah 43 suddenly wafted into his mind: 'When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.'

The anxious chatter and yelps of the campers around him severely tempted Gavin to follow in their panic, but the Holy Spirit seemed to bless him with a sense of overall unexplainable peace, despite the twinges of fear that seeked to grip him.

"This is awful!" Arthur gasped from his side. His green eyes were wide with horror as he took in the smouldering scene before him.

Gavin nodded in affirmation.

"I know. We need to put our armour on. Hey, have you seen Matt?" He added, suddenly realising that he hadn't caught sight of his blonde-haired friend in the surrounding crowd, and that he hadn't seem him for quite a while.

"No, I haven't. Is he with Ruth and the girls?" Arthur offered hopefully. Yet, as they both glanced around themselves, Gavin couldn't find him or indeed their female friends anywhere in the surrounding crowd of campers. His stomach plummeted icily. The thought of Ginny somewhat injured almost made him feel nauseous, and he hastily swallowed the lump in his throat.

Be still and know that I am God.

The words of the Holy Spirit brought a surreal comfort to his heart, yet he continued to gaze over the heads of the surrounding campers, hoping to catch a glimpse of one of the missing party. Where the heck could seven teenagers disappear to on a relatively small campsite?

"Okay, guys! Can I have your attention please?" Tom, the camp leader, called out briskly over the panicked chatter. At the sound of his stern voice, a quick hush settled over the crowd.

"I need you all to stay calm and to keep praying. We have called the fire department to put out the fire, but I need each and every one of you to stay deep in prayer until they arrive. God hears our prayers and will act on them according to His will. Let's continue to praise Him for His plans, and show the devil that we stand for Jesus alone. Amen?"

A chorus of frightened yet determined 'amens' followed his short speech. Gavin watched as Tom flashed them all a warm smile before heading over to talk to one of his frazzled looking assistants. He knew that he should trust God, that that was all he could do right now. The Father was sovereign over everything and He was the Protector. He didn't want any of His children to perish, that was what it said in the book of John...

"Look!" Someone suddenly shrieked, staring wide eyed at the forest. A line of trees were now aflame and bathed in a burning orange glow. Smoke, thick and grey, billowed out into the sky, sending a putred smell into the air around them. If Gavin looked hard enough, he thought he could make out dark shapes in the curling tendrils of smoke, seemingly depicting the black figure they had witnessed in church those days ago.

"This is bad." Arthur mumbled. Gavin nodded and, taking a short pause, he bowed his head and let the Holy Spirit pray through him.

"God, please help us all in Jesus' name. I know that you are God, and I know that you are sovereign over everything. You have plans for us, plans to prosper us. Please protect Matt, Ginny and the others. Please watch over them and keep them out of harm. Lord, I command all evil forces to leave in the name of Jesus. May you protect us all from harm in Jesus' name. All praise be to you - amen!"

"Amen." Arthur and a few surrounding campers who had overheard murmured. The very air around them seemed to shift with the powerful words. Gavin watched warily as the dark figures lurking in the smoke seemed to melt from sight.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. The Holy Spirit ministered in His still, small voice. Gavin allowed a calmed smile to overwhelm his lips, despite himself. Finally, he gave himself to God's peace.

Okay, Jesus. I trust you... I give this situation to you.

- Ginny -

Ginny had barely had a moment to absorb the weight of Matthew's frantic outburst before he hastily grabbed her arm and began pulling her along with him.

"We need to warn the others!"

"Wait! Who's cabin is on fire? Is anybody hurt?" Ginny demanded the questions in quick succession, unable to keep her evident fear from projecting in her voice. When Matthew didn't respond, seemingly fixed on the task at hand, the fear within her gripped at her chest like steel fingers, and it was all she could do not to give in to its death-like grip and sink into despair.

"Matthew?! Is anyone-"

"Ginny, can you please stop talking?! Just for a minute?" Matthew snapped. Ginny recoiled her arm from his grip, a sharp stab of hurt momentarily penetrating her worry. Matthew drove to a standstill and closed his eyes for a moment, running his hand back through his blonde hair. He blew out through pursed lips.

"Gin... I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I'm just..." He sighed again, clearly frustrated.

"It's okay. I forgive you." Ginny told him gently, offering him a smile, albeit a hesitant one.

"I'm just worried about everyone." Matthew told her with a small groan. "Tonight has just been awful... First the study cabin catches fire, and now I can't find Ruth... I hope she's alright."

"Pray for her." Ginny advised him. "Even in this horrific situation, one prayer can change it all."

Matthew nodded and took a successive deep breath. He was quiet for a short moment as Ginny assumed he raised his requests to God in his head, and she decided, despite her thundering heart, to do the same. As she prayed, a sense of solidness replaced the anxiety in her chest. Everything was going to be alright. God had it under control.

Move. The Holy Spirit reminded her in a whisper.

"Come on." Ginny urged, taking off at a brisk jog. Matthew quickly followed after her, an expression of disbelief still lingering on his face. 

Awww, poor Ginny! Does anybody else feel sorry for her? 😢😭😋

I hope this chapter blessed one of you as you read it! 🤗😊❤

Let's see where the Lord leads it to go next! 

Will Ginny and Matthew find Ruth and the others in time? Will everyone escape unscathed? How will the Lord move? 🤔🤔🤐😋

As usual, don't forget to vote, comment and add this book to your reading list! Let's spread the goodness of God to as many peeps as possible! ❤😊😊

God bless... and Jesus loves you!! ❤❤❤❤

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