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Shubman and Ishan returned to their room with flushed cheeks. What was Aleya thinking? Who taught her all those things? Meanwhile the little culprit seemed very happy having embarrassed them in front of Abhiyank. Well, after the heartfelt talk from last night, their relationship was a lot better than it had been, as they were learning a very important tool called healthy communication. Neither of them were mind readers, so this was surely going to help them, if their therapists were to be believed. After having a family bath time, Ishan ordered some evening snacks for the three of them. While munching on biscuits and cookies, Shubi dropped the bomb. "Ish..." "Hmm." "Do you think we should shift to my flat in Mumbai?" The older cricketer surely hadn't expected this. "Shubman, I think that would be too much to ask from you, right now."

They both glanced at Aleya, who was busy reading her picture story book, a present her aunties got her the previous day, too occupied to pay attention to them. The younger took his still 'best friend's hands in his own as he begged, "Maine already 5 years kho diye hai Ishu. I really want to be a part of her life. Please let me..." "Shubi, it is not my decision to make, bachcha. Aleya! Come here, jaan." Her ears prickled like a golden retriever at her papa's voice. She jumped in his lap, "What papa?" "Baby, would you like to live with me in my flat?" Shubman asked cautiously. Aleya did not look very convinced, "Papa no ja lahe?" "Nahi, nahi. Hum teeno." "So, ShuShu, me and papa?" "Ji, beta." The little girl made a show of tapping her forehead while thinking before she finally said, "Thlee conditions manoge?" "Anything ma'am!" The twenty-nine year old nodded like a student eager to please his teacher.

Aleya counted them very carefully on her fingers. "No making papa cry. Ba-bat ka gip nital te ma-malungi!" The opener promised to follow, "Kabhi nahi!" while Ishan was scandalised, "Princess, yeh aapko kisne sikhaya?" "Aga bhaiya." She shrugged. "Make papa happy." "Of course, baby. I'll do everything to make you and papa happy." "Punish le BC!" Aleya gave her third condition while fuming in ager while Ishan and Shubman shared a look with the latter trying to stop the former from screaming! 

"Ishu take deep breaths, she's a child! She does not know what she said!" "Shubman Gill! My daughter learnt cursing at the age of four! Hey bhagwaan! Kyu bheja maine usse sleepover pe!" Ishan was eroding the marbled floor of the balcony, walking to and fro like a madman when Aleya suddenly knocked on the glass door that separated her from the elders. Shubman opened it a little, crouching to get to the same level with her. "ShuShu", she whispered, "why is papa angry?" "Oh, beta, it is nothing!" Shubi had the exact same expression as Nobita when he tried to explain to his mom why he failed the test. "Aapko kuchh chahiye?" 

"No, pehle galat bola. Thlee condition modifi!" This caught Ishan's attention, "Kya modification hai jaan?" "Punish B...C...C....I! Nam bohot bala tha, toh bhul gayi," she giggled, not knowing how much relief it gave Ishan, but why was she talking about those assholes? Luckily it was Shubman that voiced his question to receive the answer, "Sammy didi and Vami didi said they hurt Papa, Shreya uncle and Yuzi uncle, so pulish!" There was no doubt that she was Shubman's. Just four and already so possessive of her papa! He brought her into a hug. "Princess, do you like going to school?" "No." Aleya looked down, sniffling, "Frienls are baddy. They say bad words to me and papa. But I like to read!" She was very close to crying. Ishan came to her side, cuddling her from the back, "Jaan, would you like to try homeschooling?" "Huh?" "Teachers will teach you online, on the laptop. You will learn with them, and answer all questions, like the brilliant child you are. Later, we will come home, do homework and play?" "Treats?" Shubman quickly added, "Yes, lots of treats too!" "No frienls hulting me?" "No one will hurt you, bubba. I will protect you and your papa from now." The younger batsman assured, making Ishan glance at him gratefully. "Pawtect? Plomiss?" Aleya extended her pinky to the taller adult. Shubman wrapped his own around it, solemnizing his oath, "Forever, bubba." He sealed the promise with a soft kiss on her head, his other hand snaking around to intertwine his fingers with the elder. 

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