V - angel

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it's a much nicer way to say what today has been like for you. you thought that giving the newbie a tour would let you have less work to do. wrong! you had the same amount of work to do in much less time! how you still put up with this job was beyond yourself.

you closed the door to your apartment with a long and exhausted sigh. all you wanted to do was take a long and hot bath, put on your comfiest pijamas and lay in bed until you lost consciousness. "hard day at work breach breaker?" said a sing song voice from your living room. it startled you, making you jump a bit on your spot but soon recognized him as the cute demon that had to stay with your for god knows how long.

gojo tilted his head to the side, still waiting for an answer from you. again, you just sighed and tried to come to terms of what your life would look from now on: coming from work to a strange demon on your home. for some people it wouldn't sound that bad, only if they knew how this exact demon was.

"yeah, didn't even get to finish my work for the day. so i have some extra work tomorrow" you answered finally. the demon just made an "aww" sound before patting the unoccupied side of the sofa, inviting you in, "come tell me about it. might feel better after ranting for a bit"

as much as you wanted, no, needed, that bath, his voice lured you in to the comfort of your sofa and his sweet smell. did he always smell like this? the moment you plopped on his side, his body tensed. you could see his pupils dilating almost shading his blue irises and his nostrils flaring. he looked ... troubled.

"something wrong?" you asked. he just kept staring at you with labored breaths, opening and closing his mouth with no words coming out of him. after what felt like ages looking at each other, gojo leaned in abruptly, sniffing your neck and grunting. "you smell so fucking good y/n, i could devour you right now."

his words made heat to rush to your cheeks and neck. that's what wrong with him? he was just, horny? you huffed in response and pushed him, "i told you, i don't plan on having sex with you or any of the others demons gojo. so stop trying to get into my pants."

he still looked hazy and troubled, like he was trying to keep control of himself and battling with his own desires. he leaned in again, breathing in your scent. "you smell like... like heaven y/n" he whined. the noise and his proximity doing things to your body. as hot as you thought he was, you stayed firm with your decision, no sex from demons or any other entity that wasn't human.

as soon as his own words registered in his head, gojo's pupils turned into slits. his mouth forming a tight line on his face and color dusted his cheeks. "tell me where you've been y/n" he questioned. you just looked at him with a "are you serious look" before answering, "at work ..?"

gojo shook his head slowly, "you don't smell like yourself. so please, before i get real mad, tell me where have you been?" okay, now you were pissed. who the fuck did he think he was to demand asnwers from you? he was a damned intruder, who you still thought was some wicked game your brain was playing, that talked nonsense about a breach and hell and heaven, who had nothing to do with your life nor you wanted to. and now he doesn't believe you? in your own home?

"i fucking told you gojo. i was at work" rage builded inside yourself. scolding heat running through your limbs like lava down a cliff. it felt strange, nothing you've ever experienced before. but most importantly, it surprised you. you weren't that easy to anger but somehow this stupid but hot demon not believing you put you on edge.

"and i think not darling, because you smell like a damned angel" he sneered back. like... what? unbelievable, utterly incredible. you stared at him for a few seconds before standing up "i think i might be going nuts. this is honestly, psychiatric shit. people have been killed in the 16th century for this. hell, people is being killed in this century for this shit. i'm crazy, that's it. this job is making me lose my mind." you rambled to yourself while pacing around the room, not even looking at him, as if it would make him go away and dissapear.

gojo just looked at you, eyes still like those of a snake, breathing in the scent of an angel that clung to your body. his fingers twitched. he wanted to touch you so badly but if he did, oh hell if he did, he would not be able to stop. he would ravish you, devour you until you dissapeared, no trace of your existence will remain left.

"... and then my boss just forced me to do this stupid tour to the new employer making me loose time to do work and he was just an asshole. he wouldn't speak just stare and nothing else and ughhhh! his infuriating handsome face that looked like he fell from heaven himself-"

"what did you say?" gojo cut your rambling off. he stood up and towered over you, making you flinch. "you're still here. god, i must be crazier than i thought." you rubbed your eyes with your hands, trying to clear your vision. nonetheless, gojo was still there, tenser than he was before.

"quit your bullshittting and repeat what you said about a new employer" he demanded. his low and menacing tone sent shivers down your whole body, and not the good kind. "there's a new guy at my job, who i had to show the office to. he is really handsome with this ... strange aura around him. he didn't say shit during the whole tour but he was analyzing everything. i could feel his stare on the back of my head the whole day, sheesh."

gojo nodded slowly and turned around. his blue wings made an appearence at a leisurely pace, making the skin of his back break little by little. it looked painful but he didn't made any sound of discomfort. he reached your living room window and hopped on the edge of it, still not looking at you. "i'll be back. don't you dare go out while i'm not here. close every damn crevice in this apartment y/n, you're not safe anymore" he warned before flying into the night sky.

what the hell is your life?

what the hell is your life?

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