VII - what are you doing here?!

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of your face when you bolted awake. sweat that felt strangely thick and warm, that felt like blood. you wiped your forehead and sighed in relief when it wasn't.

darkness was still visible through your window, the sun barely peeking on the horizon. you managed to sit up and winced when your back protested against the movement. the hazed vision of gojo sprawled underneath you on the sofa was the only thing iluminated by the tv screen. his mouth agape while snores came out of him, hair mussed and going in every direction.

you looked at your own body, not a single scratch or dust. your brain tried to remember the unusual dream you had, the one that had made you wake up that startled and with a thundering heart. however, your mind could only remember a pink haired man with a blurry face.

the woman from the news programme was talking about an accident near your neighborhood, some truck that collided with a famous pub that you usually go with your friends. no one was hurt since the bar wasn't that full yet, but the area nearest to the window was completely wrecked. something about these news felt familiar, nothing that you could remember though.

gojo stirred beside you when you tried to push him away. "hey there sweetie, how did you sleep?" he looked tired, as if he had been out all night. "kind of exhausted, not gonna lie" you admitted. falling asleep on the sofa wasn't the best idea you had las night.

"well, at least you listened to me and stayed home" gojo stretched out on the sofa. "though, i wished you fell asleep on the bed instead, your couch is quite uncomfortable" you "tsked", annoyed first thing in the morning. "you could've taken the bed and left me here. or maybe, since you are so strong, you could've picked me up and taken me to bed"

gojo smirked, his tired but sensual expression doing things on your lower tummy, "i would prefer if you were awake and fully conscious before taking you to bed darling" blushing, you ignored his attempt at flirting and finally stood up. "anyway, i gotta get to work on time today or my boss is going to sever my head this time for sure"

you stretched your limbs before heading to the bathroom, gojo following you. "yeah, we should shower, we both kinda stink" he said while smelling his armpits behind you. you just turned your body when you reached the bathroom door and answered, "i don't know what are you thinking, but i'm taking a shower a-lo-ne" and then you closed the door on his face.

the white haired demon was left standing and stunned, "huh?? your gonna reject me just like that?" he shouted from behind the door. "i was going to offer to wash your back!" he pouted. you smiled to yourself at his antics and answered, "maybe next time gojo!" you heard his defeated sigh and hopped on the shower.

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toge was surprised to say the least when he saw you walking up to him on your way to your work building. "how come you have managed to be on time today?" he asked while handing you his coffee for you to drink. even though you had plenty of time to prepare, your demon on guard antics' slowed you down a lot, enough to get dressed and drive to work rapidly.

"believe me when i, myself, don't even know" and it was true. gojo crumpled your work clothes and hid them so good that you almost had to put on joggers to come to work. he also, with his stupid and unkwnown power, made all your electronics crash as to not let you dry your hair or make your coffee. meanwhile he was giggling like a stupid teenager on your sofa, amused at your stressed state.

since toge worked on the lower levels of your company, he left you alone on the elevator on the 4th floor, wishing you a happy day and reminding you to meet him for lunch. which you also didn't pack because of gojo. you would buy something on the store down the street then.

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