Batfam x Jokers daughter!batsis

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Not requested!
[N/N] -Nickname
[Y/N] -Your name


[Y/N] sits at her desk, reading through piles of paperwork she had received from her father. The joker. She had always been trusted with her fathers work, wether she liked it or not.

She had been adopted by Bruce Wayne a few years ago when she was 15, she was now 17, being the fourth oldest to the family. They hadn't yet found out about her heritage as her birth certificate was lacking her parents names, she planned to keep it that way. She once wanted to tell him, but changed her mind when she was told about his identity as batman.

She was going through her fathers interviews from Arkham asylum, she was tampering with them so no one could discover any of his liabilities.

[Y/N]'s head is snapped around to the door as she hears a knock.

"[N/N]! Can I come in?" She hears someone say, it was clearly Dick. Her hands scramble to hide all of her files. She shuts her laptop off quickly.

"Sure Dick!" She says, shutting the journal just as Dick enters.

"By any chance would you like to come to the arcade with us? Everyone else will be there." He asks, walking next to her.

"Sorry Dick, I'm a Little busy." She replies.

"what are you busy with?" Dick raises a brow.

"I- uh- homework!" She rubs the back of her neck. She was lucky that she could still use the homework excuse.

"if you say so." Dick says, "we're leaving now. We'll message when we're on our way back home."

She nods. "Have fun."


Dick walks down the stairs, sighing as he reaches the bottom. "She's busy with homework. Again." With this everyone let's out a small sigh.

"Well, let's not spoil our fun. We'll talk to her about it later." Bruce says, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah let's go, I fancy a beer." Jason grins.

"Is there ever a time you don't, Todd?" Damian chimes in.

"Shut it demon." Jason glares at him.

"He's right though." Dick and Tim say in unison, causing them both to laugh.

Jason rolls his eyes leading out the door, to which everyone else follows.


[Y/N] puts all her stuff back onto her desk, opening her laptop screen back up. She receives a call from Johnny Frost, one of her fathers henchmen.

"hello, Johnny?" She says, "you need me?"

"Yes, your father needs the paperwork by midnight. It's crucial he gets it. Can we have an update?" Johnny's voice echoes through the phone.

"You'll have it by tonight, I promise." She smirks, "I've got 3 more forms and 2 more tapes to tamper with. I'll be around an hour, how does that sound?"

"Perfect. thank you, agent ACE." She hears, before the phone shuts off.

'Agent ACE', it was the name her father chose for her. The reasoning behind it was because that was what [Y/N]'s name was meant to be. But instead they settled with [Y/N] and ace was her middle name. [Y/N] Ace Napier. Even though naming her [Y/N] was pointless, her father would only call her Ace.

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