Dick x Vampire!reader

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"Dick!" [Y/N] called, "Where is my red dress?"

"It's in the bottom drawer babe!" He answered from the shower.

"What did I tell you about that?! If you can't fold clothes don't." She laughs, throwing the velvette dress on. Luckily it wasn't screwed up.

"Are you going to be alright tonight?" Dick asks, it takes [Y/N] a moment to realise what he meant.

She would need blood.

"Yeah I should be fine," She sighs, "I'll have some before we leave."

[Y/N] had always been a vampire, but she could live without blood for around 3 days. It's the same with humans and water. When her and dick had first met she didn't tell him, which caused an argument when he first found out. He got used to it though, he'd provide her with blood if she needed it.

Tonight they were going on a date, it was their one year anniversary.

[Y/N] felt as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. His hair was soaking wet, he was shirtless too.

"Go dry your hair! You're gonna get my dress wet." She grins pushing him off, receiving a groan.

She watches as he dries it, admiring his fluffy hair. She ruffles it as she walks past, smirking at him, her smile quickly becomes a frown.

"Dick, just because you had a butler, doesn't mean you get one here." She jokes, taking the wet towel he put on their bed and putting it in the wash basket.

"Sorry babe," He says, buttoning up his shirt, "I love you." His shirt was white, while his tie was a gorgeous blue.

"You look nice," She smiles.

"You too." He laughs, taking her hand. "Shall we go?"

"We shall," she says looking at him, walking out the bedroom with him.

"The reservation was for 6, right?" He asks, his hands slightly shaking.

"Yes birdboy, it is." She laughs, "you save civilians like every night, but you can't do a simple date with me?" She says in a hushed tone.

"Shut up," he mumbles, "it's just been a while."

"I'm playing darling," she kisses his forehead, standing on her tip toes. "It's what I love about you."


Short but fun to do, xoxo

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