Batbros x reader // rollerblading

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This was asked from one of my friends

It's basically all of them like [Y/N] it's your pick who you choose pretty much, this kind of fic isn't my strong suit but we try anyway!


"HAH! Take that fucker!" I screamed, laughing as I surpassed the girl I was racing.

"heyy [Y/N]!" Jason said ruffling my hair as he took over.

"ASS!" I yelled as I started racing him, but we're shortly interrupted when we see Dick and Damian take over from us.

"Of course it's the favourites that can do everything." Me and Jason Mutter in unison, we then start laughing.

Tim sat outside watching us, he was on his laptop. I leave the rink, walking to him.

"Hey Timbo, you okay? You don't seem very happy to be here." I say, holding his hand.

"No I'm fine [Y/N], I've just got a case I'm stressing over." He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"That can wait," I smile, "Come have some fun with us, I'll help you with it later kay?"

"Sure, only because it's you though." He blushes.

You see, this was the very same rink I'd met the boys at 2 years ago, when I met them I wasn't in the best position. We started talking because they liked my skill and wanted me to help them learn to rollerblade. I taught them and now they're amazing. We then continued to talk, they'd take me out for dinner and things. When they found out what position position I was in they introduced me to their father, Bruce Wayne. Bruce helped me afford an apartment, he offered me a job at Wayne enterprises too. Me and the boys have been close since. They soon told me about their vigilante identities, I help them sometimes, but only really for cases. My crime fighting is mostly done alone.

"[Y/N]!" Dick yells, "Race me! First one to do three laps wins!" His smug expression was enough to get me in.

"You're on birdbrain!" I yell, running back on to the rink, speeding off far past him.

I watch as he falls and I giggle slightly before going faster, I hear him groan in pain as he fails to get up. I finish a lap and meet back to him.

"Dick, are you okay?" I say, crouching down next to him.

"Fine. Just hurt my ankle that's all." He says, blushing.

I hold out my hand and he takes it, his ankle is clearly hurt. I guide him outside of the rink, taking a seat next to him and examining his ankle. I ask the staff for an ice pack.

"Thank you, [Y/N]." He smiles, staring at my eyes intently.

"It's no Problem, dick." I say, "are you alright on your own? I'm gonna get the boys together and I'll ask Alfred to pick you up."

"No, please. We should take you to dinner." He pleads, as cute as that was I needed to take him home.

"Dick, no. You're injured." I say, "Look we can reschedule."

"How about you stay over tonight?" Dick suggests, I nod slowly.

"I guess that works." I smile, "I'll go get the boys."

When i finally convinced the boys to get off the rink, Dick had already called Alfred to pick us up. We walked into the car.

"Ah, Miss [L/N], it's great to finally see you again. The boys all talk about you a lot." He smiles.

"It's a pleasure to see you again too, Alfred." I smile back.


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