Batfam x Villain!Batmom

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Bruce x villain!reader technically

[Y/N] - your name

[V/N] -Villain name


"Boys, I have someone I'd like you to meet." Bruce says, a smile on his face, masking his worried expression.

"Who is it?" They say in unison.

"This is my partner, [Y/N]." [Y/N] walks behind him, holding his hand nervously.

"As in, crime fighting partner," The boy asks, he seems to be the most responsible of the four [Y/N] quickly catches on that this is the oldest, dick, she had been told so much about. "Or something else?"

"My partner, as in my girlfriend." Bruce smiles at her, to which she smiles back.

The youngest, Damian, looks her up and down. "I know you, you're [V/N]! Father! What are you doing with someone like her?" His yells quickly become muffled by the boy with black bags under his eyes hand. Tim.

[Y/N] shoots Bruce a look that says 'I knew this wasn't a good idea' to which he returns a sorry smile.

"Damian, be respectful to [Y/N]." Dick scolds the boy.

"I'm going for a smoke." The second says, Jason. Bruce had warned her that he was a heavy smoker and drinker.

"Alright, well it was a pleasure to meet you, Jason." [Y/N] smiles.

"You too." He mumbles. "Does anyone have a lighter?"

She looks at Bruce, curious to wether she can give him one. He sighs, signaling yes.

"here you are." I hand him a fancy snake lighter. "That good?"

"Thanks." He leaves.

"I'm Tim." He smiles, "sorry about Damian. He's... well, a bit of a demon."

[Y/N] laughs, "no problem at all, pleasure to meet you."

Bruce smiles at the boys behaviour, happy they were making an effort. "I'll be off. [Y/N] you can settle your bags in my room for the night if you'd like." Bruce says leaving.

"What do you want with my father?" Damian asks in Arabic. [Y/N] hums in response.

"Nothing but company, you don't need to worry." she replies, back in Arabic. She laughs at Damian's taken aback expression.

"You speak Arabic?" Dick questions, [Y/N] nods

"Thought I'd learn a bit to make a good first impression. I must say though Damian, your father taught you well. Able to guess who I am almost immediately." She smiles, Damian smirks.

"Well, you're not bad at arabic. do you know other languages?" Damian questions.

"Well, I speak quite a few a few actually! I speak Greek, French, Ukrainian and spanish." [Y/N] smiles, shaking hands with the boy.

"I guess you'll be okay for company." Damian mumbles, leaving.


-Years later-

"ma, what was it like being a criminal?" Tim asks, while drinking a cup of coffee she had just prepared him.

"It was always a laugh, but it's not something you want to get yourself into. It's fun until it isn't." She says pouring a cup of coffee for herself.

"Morning [Y/N]." Bruce says wrapping a hand around her waist, kissing her cheek.

"Morning my love." She smiles, blushing ever so slightly.

"Get a room." Damian says as he walks downstairs.

"Good morning to you too Dami." She giggles, pushing Bruce away, "Would you like toast for breakfast or something else?"

"Toast is fine." Damian says, he had got a lot better with [Y/N] but it was clear he didn't want to replace his mom.

[Y/N] places toast in front of him. "Would you like some red Velvette cookies later?"

"I do!" Tim says, finishing his coffee, standing up to make a new one. [Y/N] pushes him back onto his chair. "Ma! Come on!"

"Sorry Timmy, water for a bit." She hands him a glass of water. "You can have coffee after though."

She had managed to get the boys out of their habits pretty well, Tim started drinking less coffee. Jason stopped drinking as much but still smoked, they were still working on that one.

"Morning Ma." Jason Said, "Morning Bruce."

The boys had taken to calling [Y/N] 'Ma', 'mom' or 'mother'. Damian never did, but she didn't want the boy to think she was trying to replace Talia so she didn't mind.

"Don't forget we're going out today." Bruce reminded them, "Damian you'll be home with [Y/N] and Alfred."

When the boys leave [Y/N] decides to make some food for Damian, she makes all of his favourites.

"Dami! Food's ready!" She calls, the boy runs downstairs.

"You... you made all of this? For me?" He Looks in astonishment as she nods slowly. "Thank you."

"Would you like to watch a film while you eat? We can go to the theatre room if you'd like."

"yes please, ummon." Damian says, the second he said it [Y/N] froze.

"W.. what did you just call me?" She asks turning to look at him.

"Ummon, it's Arabic for mother." He says, calm.

"I... I know that." She smiles at him, "I just never expected you to call me that."


It's short but I did it:)

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