Jason(father figure) x jokersdaughter!reader

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My darling princesa did this one for me although they know Jackshit about DC<333

Angst! Lots of angst!

TW: Abuse

[Y/N] -Your name


Jason was out for a smoke, he'd just had an argument with Bruce over a comment he had made about Tim. Bruce had always hated the way Jason called Tim 'replacement boy' but the comment he had made this time really pissed Bruce off. They argued for what felt like hours, so he left to go for a smoke. The chances are he'd go back to his apartment instead of the manor.

He walked through crime alley, but what he found was not something he'd expect to see today. Normally when he went to crime alley he'd see people doing drugs or murdering others. But this, this was an odd sight. It was a child, a small child.

"Hey kid?" Jason said, reaching out to the child.

"S... Stay away!" She says, backing away from Jason.

"Are you okay? Are you lost?" He asks, crouching down to meet her height. "Where are your parents kid?"

"You don't know who I am?" The scared child says, barely above a whisper.

"No, kiddo. Can you tell me?" He says, moving slightly closer.

"I'm [Y/N], [Y/N] Napier. The Jokers daughter." As the child, [Y/N], says this, Jason moves slightly back.

Of all of the children on the ground he could find, he found his murderers child?! Her father had crippled Barbara, Killed him, Tortured Tim and hurt so many innocent people, but she seemed so innocent.

"Come here kiddo." Jason makes a motion with his hand, "Why aren't you with your father?"

"He's— He's angry at me, I didn't kill Robin like I was meant to." She looks down in shame, "he said I was never a child of his and that I wasn't worthy of his blood."

"Oh, kid." Jason can't help but feel a twinge of sympathy, "look, I know I'm a stranger. But I promise, I'll clean you up and we'll see what we can do to get you help." Jason holds his hand out, she takes it after a moment of hesitation.

"Thank you." [Y/N] said, retrieving what looked to be a crowbar.

Jason's breathe hitched, that was the same crowbar he was beaten with. No way the joker had tried to put Damian's blood on that innocent girls conscience.

"Are you okay Mister?" She looks up worried.

"Huh? Oh yeah! — im Fine kid! Let's get to my apartment." He says, guiding her to his apartment.


"mister, what's your name?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah! I'm Jason — Jason Todd!" He looks down, still focused on the crowbar in the girls hand. "Can I look at that quickly?" He asks, gesturing to the crowbar.

She nods slowly handing it to him.

"Mister Jason, You're red hood, right?" She Stares into his eyes, "J.J — or Tim told us that Batman was Bruce Wayne, and you're his second child. Which would make you redhood, the Robin my dad killed."

Jason looks at the child in horror, he knew the joker was deranged but he never expected him to let his child witness what he did to Tim.


Weeks go by and [Y/N] begins to grow on Jason, although He hasn't told Bruce.

Him and the small child are asleep on his double bed, she's laying on his chest. They're both woken up by a knock at the door.

"Hold on Kiddo." Jason says, opening the door. He's met with Bruce and dick. "Hello bruce, dick."

"JayJay, who're they?" [Y/N] asks running to the door.

"Jason, why is there a child in your house?" Dick asks.

"She's the jokers daughter, I'm taking care of her. He kicked her out because she refused to kill demon." He explains, picking up the child and ruffling her green hair.

"That sick bastard." Dick said.

"Are you planning to adopt her?" Bruce asks.

This put Jason in a lot of thought, he'd always wanted to prove he was a better father figure than Bruce, but he'd never actually think he'd do it. The child had grown on him, she had helped him overcome his drinking and smoking problem, she always helped keep the house clean and remind him, not to mention she helped him cool food every night. He looks at the child, smiling in his arms.

"Yeah. I think i am going to." He says, chuckling at [Y/N]'s squeal.

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