Batfam x Batmom

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Requested by Gizzey_04


I'm in the bathroom, the door is locked. I'm in utter shock as I stare at the positive pregnancy test before me. I never expected I would get pregnant, but I was so excited to tell Bruce, Alfred and the boys. I hadn't been patrolling for days because I was ill, the chances are I won't be patrolling for months —maybe years — now.

"Mom, are you gonna be coming on patrol with us tonight?" I hear someone say, it's Tim.

I open the door of the bathroom and respond.

"Not tonight Timmy, sorry sweetheart. Have fun, and be safe please." I smile.

"Okay mom, love you!" He waves, leaving the room.

I've been with Bruce for years, we were childhood friends. We later started dating just after he had officially adopted Tim. When Damian came along it was awkward as Damian still cared deeply about his mother. I grew on Damian after a while though, he calls me Ma but will still refer to Talia as his mother too while the boys will just call me mom and rarely talk about their parents.

I leave mine and Bruce's bedroom and go to the theatre room, I put on [f/s] and think of how I'm going to tell everyone. Maybe I could just tell them. Or maybe I could have a party and announce it. Or maybe I could—

My train of thought is quickly interrupted due to the vibration of my phone, it's Bruce. I answer immediately

"[Y/N], we're coming home. Tim's unconscious, Dick has an injury in his ribs, Damian's in need of stitches and Jason's got an injury in the ankle." His voice echoes through the phone, panic floods through me. It was unlikely for the boys to get injured like that.

"Alright, be safe, Me and alfred can handle the wounds when you get back." I end the call to go get Alfred.

Me and Alfred await the arrival of the five, setting out bandages and painkillers. When the Batmobile arrives I see Dick and Jason pile out the car, Dick is supporting Jason and Jason is supporting him.

I quickly help Jason onto a surface while Alfred takes Dick to another one.

Bruce comes out of the Batmobile holding Tim's unconscious body. I take Tim and place him laying down on his side. Damian staggers out.

"Pennyworth! I am in need of stitches." He utters, me and Bruce chuckle but move along.

After cleaning the cuts, I treat Jason's cuts with antibiotic wipes.

"ngh! Ow!" He groans, to which I mutter apologies while I continue gentler. "is this really necessary mom?"

"Yes Jason, it is. You're literally bleeding." I say, rubbing petroleum jelly onto his now clean cut. He lets out a hiss in pain. "It's okay Jason, don't worry."

I pause when I see Tim regaining consciousness, "Ow." he says, "my head what happened?"

"You fell unconscious, I'll heal your wounds and check your head once I've finished patching up your brother." I say, turning back to Jason.

I grab bandages and place them on Jason's wounds.

"Jay, I'm gonna get Alfred to get you an X-ray, hold tight for a second." I say, ruffling his hair.

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