Chapter 7

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Sexual Offenderman's POV

I had just finished with my meal. Quite a cute girl actually. I enjoyed the pleasure of having her. I grinned to myself, and teleported back to the mansion. I was walking up to the door, when I heard a moan. I looked around. Is that a person? I started walking towards the moaning. It grew louder as I got closer.

Suddenly, it stopped. In it's place was a sob. Loud, choking sobs. I continued walking towards the sound, appearing in front of a side window. Glass was shatter all around, and in the pile, all bloody and guts hanging out, was Raven. I gasped and fell to my knees beside her. "Oh my god! Raven! Princess what the hell happened to you?!" I shouted, putting my hands on her shoulder. She weakly reached up and shoved my hand away.

"D-don't you touch me!" She screamed. "Y-you never c-came! I rubbed the n-necklace. A-and you never c-came..." She trailed off. I stared at her. When did she rub the fucking necklace?! Fuck! How did I not notice?! Dear god... My princess. "I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING PRINCESS ANYMORE!" Raven said in a dark voice. I winced at her voice a bit, feeling guilty as hell. I told her she could trust me. Gaining back that trust slowly, and now I've blown it.

"Raven.. " I said, bending back beside her. She shook, trying to push me away once again, but was too weak to do so. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. She struggled for a moment, but eventually gave in, too weak to try and fight back. I put her head on my chest. "I'm so sorry princess. I let you down again." I said quietly. She sobbed quietly, not responding to anything I said.

Raven's POV

I sobbed into Smexy's chest, too weak to do anything else. I can't believe I thought he would come. I'm so stupid for trusting him again. "I'm so sorry princess. I let you down again." He said quietly. I cried, in too much pain to really care about what he had to say. 'Raven!" I heard Slender call out.

"EJ! Take her to the infirmary, stat! She doesn't know about Dark Night!" EJ came forward, and Smexy growled, tightening his grip on me. EJ sighed, looking at Slender. "Offender won't let go of her." He said. Slender glared at Smexy. "Offender. If you don't let go of her, then her human form will die. Meaning a part of her will die, and she will never be the same again." He said icily. Smexy let go as soon as he finished.

EJ picked me up, carefully setting my intestines back on top of me. "It's okay Raven. I'll fix you up. You'll be fine in no time." He whispered, as he carried me to the infirmary. I nodded as the darkness consumed me once more.

Mr. Creepypasta's POV

I kissed Holly's head repeatedly, breathing in her irresistible baby smell. I smiled, satisfied with her laughter. I then started thinking about the future, her playing around in the yard, her 16th birthday, her marrying me... What the everlasting FUCK. I quickly sat her down and slammed my head against the wall.

These filthy thoughts penetrating my head. I slammed it harder, blood starting to trickle down my temple. Holly whimpered, looking at me with frightened eyes. "Fucking pervert!" I shouted, slamming my head against the wall a final time. Holly started crying.

Suddenly, I felt a calming sensation come over me. My throbbing forehead slowed down, then disappeared completely. I felt where I had cut it while banging it. The cut was gone. I looked over at Holly, who had stopped crying, and was now staring intently at me.

I slowly smiled at her, and she giggled, a sound that was so sweet and innocent, that made me feel guilty as hell. I fell in love with my granddaughter . This isn't going to end well.

Laughing Jack's POV

I growled as I touched the barrier surrounding Mr. Creepypasta's mansion. "Shit. Now how am I going to kill the brat?" I said to myself. I sighed, and walked away. I needed to find a way in, but I didn't have to do it now. I sat on a rock a little ways into a woods near his mansion, staring at the tiny pond that was there too.

Look at all the trouble you have caused LJ. Your daughter is inside that barrier, and your wife is almost dead. I teared up at what I did to Raven. I can still remember her on our wedding day. She wore her long white dress with a black design, had her black makeup, and her hair done. She had designed the whole wedding, having some help from Trenderman and Offenderman.

I remember the night I proposed to her. She was so happy. I could see her glow with pride as she showed Mr. Creepypasta the ring I got her. She was happy she could finally call you hers. I shook my head.

I then remembered our honeymoon. She was still a virgin. So innocent, so special. I guided her all the way through, and gave her pleasure. Then, on the last day, she had left, early. I had to go to the bathroom bad, and rushed in when she came out, so I didn't get the chance to ask her why she left so early.

But, I got to know later. Raven came in, along with Jeff and Slendy. "LJ? I have to tell you something." She had said to me. I had narrowed my eyes at Jeff, cause I knew he wasn't fond of me, and he has a huge crush on Raven. "Why is he here?" I had said, nodding my head in the direction of Jeff. She took a deep breath. "LJ, I'm pregnant with your baby."

LJ, she was pregnant with your baby. She didn't do anything that night. You know it. She's innocent, and so is that child. It's your fault. You never used protection. Besides, you only hate kids because of Issac. I shook my head violently. I cannot think about Issac now. It's Raven's fault too. She could've just gotten surgery to not have kids. Did she really, does she really, think she can have a family with me?

Well she wants the best for her kid. You know she doesn't care if it kills her. She's keeping that kid alive. You should just learn to love the chil— Slender. Get the fuck outta my head. I thought, annoyed at his overlapping thoughts. Fine. But just know that her human form may not make it, and she won't ever be the same if it doesn't. He said. Then I felt him leave. I hurt her so much. I gotta fix it. I thought to myself.


Holly's POV (rare for now ;) )

I stared at the tall man with horns. He was banging his head so hard against the hard surface. I whimpered. It was so loud. I seen red trail down his face. Red isn't good. I started crying, slowly letting my power control myself.

I calmed him down, and maded his cut go bye bye. He looked over at me, feeling his forehead, then staring at me. I giggled, amused by his stare. He finally cracked a smile. I loved that smile.

This strange man. I loved seeing him. I love his smell, the feel of him holding me, and his loving kisses on my head. I love this strange man. And I hope he never ever leaves me, even when mommy comes back.

I hope you enjoyed Holly's POV. I thought it would be nice to see her view on Mr. Creepypasta. I am soo sorry updates are slow. I'm out of internet, and I'm publishing this at a Laundromat with free Wi-Fi. I'll get it soon though. Until next update, comment, vote, and remember, I'm aLwAyS wAtChInG.

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