Chapter 10

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Raven's Pov

I turned to see Daddy smirking, heading towards my little girl. I opened my wings, blocking Holly from his view. "Daddy, do you realize what you are doing? " I said nervously, having no idea as to how he would react. He grinned, sending ice trickles down my spine.

"Raven, I raised Holly for 16 years. I have been yearning for this day since the moment she was born." He reached out towards me. "You understand, don't you Raven?" I took a deep breath and shook my head.

"Daddy, something is wrong with you." I said, backing up as he got closer to me.

He frowned slightly, unsatisfied with my answer. "There is nothing wrong with me. I have found the one I love more than your mother. WHY CAN'T YOU BE HAPPY FOR ME?!" Daddy spit, his face growing more read each passing moment.

I saw the glow in his eyes change, as if a face had flashed through.

Daddy sighed in frustration. "I knew it. Even after I loved you, and cared for you, kissed away your tears. You still go back to Laughing Jack, and you never want me to be happy." With that said, he the turned his back, opened his wings, and flew away.

"Daddy! NO!" I screamed, tears welling up in my eyes. I fell to my knees, my shoulders shaking with silent sobs.

Holly bent down beside me, hugging me tightly. "Mommy, what he did was wrong, but he's still your father, and my grandfather. I think something is wrong with him. This doesn't seem... ordinary for him." She said, lowering her voice. "I think he's being controlled." I looked up at her. Who could control Daddy? For 16 years nonetheless. I sighed, and stood up as LJ came running over, panting.

"Raven!" He shouted as I began to walk away. "Please don't leave me! I can't lose you!" I spun around. "Lose me? LJ, you said that the last time that you hooked up with Laughing Jill. Are you saying it because you mean it now? Or is it to lure me back, so you can do it again?"

He went quiet for a second. "All you have done since you got with me is cheat on me. All I've done is forgiven you. I mean, you haven't even been a father to Holly!" I shouted. His eyes flared.

"You were never supposed to get pregnant! You knew that I hate kids. But yet, you still slept with me!" He screamed. I heard a tiny whimper, and I turned around to see Holly, her eyes turning a dark blue. "You never... wanted me?" She gulped, tears welling up in her eyes. I stepped forward.

"Holly..." I reached a hand out. She pulled back roughly. "Don't you touch me! You never wanted me! No wonder you gave me away for 16 years. YOU HATE ME DON'T YOU?!?!" She screamed, black, mascara streaked tears flowing down her cheeks.

I felt my heart split. My baby thinks I don't love her... She took off running, Jeff close behind her. "Holly! Wait!" He yelled, disappearing behind her into the woods. Slender teleported soon after, promising that he would find her safely.

I nodded, a numbing sensation entering my heart. I looked over at LJ, who looked like he was regretting existence. He met my eyes, and his face twisted into a horrified expression.

"Raven, no. No. Raven NO! You can't do this! Please... RAVEN!!" He yelled at me. I laid down on the ground, curling up in a fetal position. I looked up at LJ and smiled, tears flowing down my face. "It has to happen for now LJ. I may come back. Goodbye." I opened my mouth, and began to sing.

Lull-lull, lullaby
Lull-lull, lullaby
Sing, sing, sing with me,
A Lull-lull lullaby.
Hmmm, hm, hmmm, hm hm
Hmmm, hm, hmmm, hm hm
Hmmm, hmm, hm hm hm
A Lull-lull lullaby.

I sang each note softly, almost blending with the breeze flowing through the trees. All during that small time, LJ got down, and held me close, rocking us both.

"I won't let you go. Until you wake, then I'll never leave your side." He whispered. My last feeling was of his arms tightening around me, holding me closer.

Holly's Pov

I ran as fast as I could, my tears evaporating from the wind rushing across my face. They never wanted me. She never planned to have me. I was so hurt. I don't understand. Why would she have me, if she didn't want me?

I know daddy didn't want me. He just proved i- "AHH!" I felt my chest tighten. I could visualize my mother, held in the arms of my father. I could hear her singing, drifting through the wind. Something about a lullaby... Oh no.

She has told me this, when I was first born. "If I ever sing this, then I'll be going to my mother. But I won't be sure if I ever will come back. But, I won't do it, unless I feel it is required." She said, then smiled, and rocked me to sleep.

Now, I can feel her heart slowing down, her breathing growing more shallow, until in the end, it didn't exist anymore. I felt her heart, until it beat no more. "MOMMY! NOOO!" I screamed, feeling arms wrap around me. "Shh... It's gonna be okay Holly." Jeff whispered, pulling me closer to him.

I sobbed on his shoulder. "Why did her heart stop beating? Please tell me I was imagining it!" I choked, staring up at him with tearful eyes. He froze. "What do you mean, her heart stopped?" He said slowly, as if my words were too much for him. I nodded. "But... We just seen her! She was crying over you. LJ looked guilty as hell..." Jeff trailed off as Slender teleported in front of us.

"Jeff, Holly. I'm so sorry. Raven's heart has stopped beating." He said, bowing his head. Jeff looked as if he was stabbed in the face. "B-but..." He whispered, looking sad even with the forever grin on his face. I bowed my head, my bangs covering the tears held in my eyes.

Slender looked down at me. "She was heartbroken Holly. She's been asleep for your whole 16 years. She couldn't wake up. Then Raven goes fighting her father, tooth and nail, just to see you again. She finally gets you back, and she hears you scream, you hate me, don't you? That killed her inside. Since she hasn't met her mother, she decided that now is as good a time as any, to go and meet her mother. Her mother is part angel, part siren. That's how you both are able to sing so well. Raven is not sure if she will come back. It depends, on her mother." Slender finished.

I stared at the ground, the wind stirring up the dust on the first layer of soil. I caused her to stop her own heart? I upset her so much, she seen no point in staying any longer? I'm such a horrible daughter...

Jeff put an arm around my shoulders. "It's not your fault. Your deadbeat of a father said those things, and hurt you. You thought that since it's that way for your dad, that it's the same way with your mom. You didn't realize that she loves you, and would do anything for you." He said, wiping the tears that escaped from my eyes.

But in that moment, I realized who had taken control of my mother's father, and just who, happened to know where he is now. "Zalgo." I said, a shiver traveling through my spine.

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