Chapter two.

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Today is the day that I will be moving and I dont even know who my roomate is yet! Mabye nobody wanted to move there so im alone.

"Flora! We are going!" I hear my father scream from down stairs. This is the first thing that he has said to me since our argument.

The drive was 3 hours long and so awkard. 

"Just so you know, that you are moving out doesn't mean the rule doesn't coun't." I inmediatly knew what he was talking about, but honestly I dont give a fuck anymore.

"Don't worry I wont fuck any of them if that is what you want to hear" I could see my respond made him uncomfortable.

"I really dont like your attitute young lady, you have to be happy im the one paying for your apartment." 

Always him and that stupid rule, if he had listened for once he would know that I really dont like them like that.

"And what if I will break the rule?"

"I will stop paying for your apartment." He said in a angry tone. 

We pulled up to the apartmentcomplex and to my suprise it didn't look to bad. 

"Are you staying in the same complex as me?" I ask him whilst unloading my baggage.

"No, I will be staying across the street, and only for the weekends that we aren't racing." 

We walked inside thinking I would meet my new roommate but to my suprise there was no one. So mabye I didn't have a roommate after all. The apartment was fine but the only problem was that there only was one king sized bed. But im the only one so its fine. 

"So the apartment is fine, goodbye" My dad said while walking out.

I unloaded my stuff and put my clothes into the closet. I sat down and noticed the couch was so uncomfortable.But the rest was amazing! I think I actually like living alone! It was around dinner time and still no sign of a roommate. My wish came true! I ordered a pizza and took a shower in the meantime.My pizza was late and I was so hungry but didn't have any groceries yet. I heard noices by the door, finally my pizza!  I stood up and started walking towards the door. But to my total shock the door opened. Mabye I left it opened? What the actual fuck! What was Charles doing here? Did my dad send him as revenge?

"Charles?" "What are you doing here?!" I ask confused but frustrated too.

"Flora?" "What are you doing in my  apartment?" He asked me, I thought he was joking but the look on his face told me he wasn't.

"I just moved in here, I geuss your my roommate?"

"Geuss so." He said while closing the door behind him. He brought all of his luggage to the living room. I felt actual rage come up in my body. Why out of everyone him?!

"Why do you even need to move here?" I asked him.

"You know, racing reasons." "You?" I could here in his tone that he was really angry to see me.

"My dad kicked me out." 


I found out we were both not quite the talkative type so we spend like half an hour in silence. I had a reason not to talk to him, but why didn't he atleast try to? He's only proving my judgement about him right.

"Flora?" "Can I ask you something" He said while turning his head away from his phone and looking deep into my eyes.

" Why have you always been so mean to me?" He asked my whilst still staring into my eyes. I kind of got uncomfortable by his stare. I've never had anyone stare at me like that, Its like he's trying to read my face and I dont like it.

" You beated me in litterally everything, and when I wanted to talk to you you would just turn around." 

"You have never talked to me before?" "I've always tried to talk to you but you would avoid eyecontact." He said to me. Now he's just getting on my nerves.

"Thats not true!"

"Yess it is Flora" He kind of sounded disapointed, like he expected me to say something else.

"Im sorry then" I say softly. "But this doesn't mean I like you more!" I say in a joking way but deep down I know im not joking. I think my lack of romance comes from my dad's rules. Because I knew I wasn't allowed to date or anything I didn't even thought about liking a boy. And here I am now getting uncomfotable by eyecontact.

"Also, have you checked the bedroom yet?" I ask him.

"No, why?" He asked confused.

"Go check it out" I say while pointing my finger to the bedroom door. I made sure not to say it in a weird tone so that he wouldn't confuse it for flirting or anything. Am I over thinking about this? 

"Geuss im going to sleep on the couch tonight." He said while walking out. His tone was still irritated.

"I can't ask you to do that!" "Its fine to sleep in the same bed, just keep your hands to yourself." I say jokingly.

"Same for you" He said.

The pizza finally arrived at about 8:30. I sat down and opened the box.

"You want some?" I asked him.

"Just one piece" He said and sat down infront of me. I still hate him but I cant ignore him! 

We stayed silent for the whole night just doing our own thing. 

"I think im going to bed, goodnight" I say to him at 11pm.


I put on my too thick PJ's and got in bed. I hate these PJ's but I was in a rush and couldn't find my summer ones. I put a little night light on and tried to sleep. But I just couldn't fall asleep. I dont know if it is the first day nerves that were keeping me up or the super thick PJ's that made the room feel like 400 degrees. At 1AM I heard Charles open the door very quitely. I heard him change his clothes and then get into bed. Our backs were turned to each other and the silence was so loud. I quickly peeked over my shoulder and saw he wasn't wearing a shirt. I geuss he didn't pack a sleeping shirt. I weirdly did fall asleep quicker when Charles was laying beside me.


Im so exited to write this story and I hope you guys will love it as much as I do<3

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