Chapter three.

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When I woke up I expected to see my old room so it was a shocker when I opened my eyes. I glanced over at Charles who was definitly sleeping on my side of the bed.Thats when I noticed I wasn't wearing my pyjama top anymore. Shit! I quickly put something else on. I must have been very hot so I took my top of in my sleep! Lets just hope Charles didn't notice.

I put on a different pair of jeans and made myself some eggs. I thought about what I was going that day. Mabye I can invite Lily over, It would be good to have an interaction with someone that doesn't piss me off. 

"Hey! I had to move to Silverstone but I would love to see you again! Are you available today?" 

"Hii! I am, it seems fun to hang out with you!" "I have volleybal practice at 4 but I"ll be there at 6 if that is alright with you?"

"Amazing! See you then!" I put my phone down and started to eat my breakfast. I heard the door sqeeuk, I look up to see charles standing there with a tired look on his face.

"Good morning" He said with an annoyed face. I dont like the fact that  he is trying to be nice to me. He knows that I hate him and nothing will change that, so why was he trying it? I just look down and continue eating. I don't know why but he really pissted me off, mabye its just my morning mood. I loaded the dishwasher and then went to take a shower. I noticed that I forgot to bring shower suplies so I had to use Charles's. When I got out I saw that he left. Where is he going? Nevermind I dont care...

I went to the store and got some groceries. Afterwards I had a nap for about an hour. When I woke up I cleaned the apartment and tried to brighten up the place with some candles. I heard the bell ring.

"Heyyy Lily! Come in" I gave her a hug and closed the door behind her.

"Woww Its really nice!" she said while looking around.

"Thank you!" "Do you want something to drink?" I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a wine.

"I'll take one too" She said whilst siting down on the countertop.

"Do you live here alone?" 

"No sadly not, but he has been gone the whole day so thats great" I laughed.

"Is he that bad?" " What even is his name?"

"Charles" I hesitated. "Charles Leclerc" I knew she had a crush on him when she was younger but she also knew how much i hated him.

"No fucking way" "That sucks" Her tone was sympathetic so I assumed she didn't like him anymore.

"You dont like him anymore?" I asked her because of her tone.

"Nahh, im good" "If you hate him I hate him too" She gave me a big and warm smile. Even though it was such a small thing, It meant alot to me. We drank a few more drinks and ate some snacks. We sat down on the chouch and watched Twighlight. I heard some stumbeling coming from the door so I decided to check it out. When I got there I found Charles so drunk he couldn't even stand up straight. He followed me and sat down next to Lily. 

"Heyyy who are you?" He said while fumbeling his words. He put his arm behind her on the chouch.

"Lily! You are Charles right?" She said enthousiasticly. Lily what the fuck? Did she just forget what she told me about "I hate him so she hates him too?" I was so frustrated. Charles coming home this drunk already made me angry but him flirting with my friend?! And her going along with it!

"Ur so nice" He said. I assumed he said it to her, but when I looked up I saw his eyes where looking at mine.

"Charles what the fuck!" "You know I hate you so stop trying to be nice!" I started to rant.

"You have been pissing me off the moment that you got here, and now you are coming home this drunk and flirting with my friend?" "Are you out of your mind?" "You know we dont like you so stop! I screamed at him. I know that the wines I drunk made me scream louder than intended but atleast my point was made.

"What is wrong with me?" "Look at yourself!" "You have convinced yourself that i am some sort of obessed with you!" "Its the complete fucking opposite!" "I physically cant stand you!" "Im only trying to be nice because I have to." "We are fucking roommates, accept it!" "So just remember Flora, I fucking hate you okay?!" 

Wow, That one hurted more than expected. 

"Uhm, so I gotta go." "It was nice, byee" Lily said rushed.

How could I have been so stupid, and how could he have said that. I did understand that it was my fault. Mabye I was stupid. I walked into the bedroom and threw myself on our bed. I felt tears stream down my face. His words hurted me so much. I cried myself to sleep that night. I didn't hear if he got into bed or went to sleep on the couch.

Devotion I Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now