Chapter five.

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I woke up at about 5:30 AM and I couldn't fall asleep again. I was very nervous for the job intervieuw, and what my father would think about it. I got out of bed and layed down on the couch to watch tv. I heard the bedroom door open and saw Charles walking out. 

"Can't sleep either?" I asked him.

"No, are you nervous?" He asked me. "You were turning alot in your sleep" 

"Oh im sorry, and yes I kind of am." "Im scared what my dad would think about it." 

"Well you did it to get back at him.." He said whilst sitting down next to me.

"Dont worry it will be alright" He looked me straight in the eye, but it didn't feel awkard this time. It felt comforting. I gave him a soft smile.

"Im making some cereal, you want some" I asked him while standing up.


"So have you got any plans for today?" Charles asked me while sitting down on a bar stool at the kitchen.

"No, you?"

"Great, so I was thinking to go to IKEA to get us a new couch." "Want to come with me?" 

"Sure!" We ate the cereal, got changed and got in to the car. 

"So after Abu Dhabi I am going to move to monaco again." He said whilst parking the car. 

"Does that mean that I will have a new roommate?" Right when I got used to him hes going to move out? I dont know why but I kinda got sad thinking about it.

"No, I'll technically still live here, but im just going to spend my time in my house in monaco. Till the season starts again, unless if you really miss me" He giggled and gave me a wink. I giggled too.

"We could also get two separate beds!" I said whilst opening the door.

"I dont think that it would fit in our room, but if we get a better couch I could just sleep on there." He kind of looked disapointed that I said that.

"I cant ask you to do that" We walked in and started heading to the livingroom section. We walked around for about 3 hours trying to find a good one. They were either ugly or uncomfortable. 

"What about that one!" Charles pointed to a couch across from us and started walking towards it. It suprisingly was very comfortable. We also got some decorations to make the apartment cozier. On our way home we made a stop by mcdonalds and ate it in the car. Thats when fans found Charles. Shit what if pictures get posted of us and my dad sees it?!

"Flora hide in the backseats!" Charles said when he saw them walking towards us. I quickly crawled to the backseats and layed face down. I heard alot of people asking him for photo's. After about five minutes Charles said he had to leave and drove away.

"You can sit down now Flora" He said when the fans were gone.

"That was a close one" I said while climing to the front seat. When we got home I packed my suitcase for the race and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up at about 8pm and when I opened my eyes I saw Charles was looking at me.

"What are you looking at weirdo" I said jokingly.

"Nothing, So Fred called and had some bad news." "They found somebody else to be their social manager" "Im sorry" 

I felt my eyes tear up, what did  I do wrong? Charles gave me a very long and thight hug, What am I going to do now?

"Its going to be alright" He wispered in my ear, His tone was so comforting, I felt a tear run down my face. I decided to go to sleep. Charles also went to bed at around the same time.

Devotion I Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now