Chapter six.

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I woke up and didn't see Charles next to me so I assumed he was already up.I  walked into the livingroom to make some breakfast for us.

"Good morning Charles!" I said in a happy tone. I was feeling much better today. I looked around the livingroom but didn't see him anywhere. Where is he? 

"Good morning, where are you?" I texted him. I grabbed a bowl out of the kitchen cabnet and made some cereal. After I was done eating I put on some sporty clothes and went on a quick run. When I got home I noticed Charles still hadn't responded. Oh well he's probably just busy with work. I sat down on the couch and decided to continu my search for work. I was looking for about an hour when I saw a theater that was about an 30 minute drive from our appartment is looking for employees. The theater had a beautiful vintage vibe so I decided to send a e-mail saying that I am interested.

I took a shower and then texted my dad asking how late I have to be at the airport tommorow. I clicked on the message I sent Charles this morning and noticed he hadn't responded for five hours but was online half an hour ago, weird.. Oh well he's probably busy with work. I took a quick nap and layed on the couch for a bit and then started making dinner. I dont know why but some thing about Charles not responding made me so frustrated. Yesterday he was super nice to me and now he's ignoring me? I felt all of my hatred that I used to have for him come up again. Flora dont over react he's probably just working, I told myself. It was at about half past 9 when Charles came back.

"Heyyy, where were you?" I asked him curiously.

"hey, nowhere" He answered shortly. He grabbed some leftovers from the frigde and sat down on the couch, completely ignoring me. 

"So I applied for a job at a theater!" I told Charles.

"Nice" He answered. I just went to my room and started reading a book. at about eleven I heard Charles leave. Why was he acting so weird all of a sudden? Did he just forget about yesterday? He put his hand on my fucking thigh and now was acting like nothing happend?  I went to sleep at half past eleven because I had to wake up early.

I woke up at 5 am and got changed. My dad picked me up and drove us to the airport. 

"You seem cranky today" My dad said when we were getting some coffee.

"rough night" I responded, I wasn't really in the mood for a convo and especially not with my father.

It was a long flight so I decided to try to sleep trough most of it. When I woke up again we only had half an hour to go. We got our lugage and then took a cab to the hotel. We went to the service desk to get our keys to the room. Thats when I reconise the person standing infront of us in the line, Charles. Could my luck get any worse?  I was hoping that my dad wouldn't reconise him.

"Charles! Nice to see you" My dad said when Charles looked in our direction.

"Heyy nice to see you to!" Charles said politely.

"So when did you arrive?" My dad asked him.

"I took the plane yesterday at about 12 so I arrived very early today" "Im just in line because there are some issues with my spare room key." He quickly looked at me and then looked at my father again.

Charles was called too ask his question so luckly the conversation was cut short. When my father and I got our keys we went to our rooms.

"You know the rule is that you cant talk to any other drivers, you dont have to look at them with pure hate in your eyes" He said whilst laughing. I gave him a smile but no reaction because I was scared I was going to rat myself out. We checked into the rooms which were separate so I was very happy with that. I stayed in my room for about 15 minutes and then my dad and I went to get some dinner. After dinner we both went to our rooms. 

I decided to take a shower because I still felt dirty from the plane flight. I connected my phone with a little speaker and loudly sang along with music as I was taking a shower. I vaguely heard the door bell ring. "Its just dad asking to borrow something" I thought by myself so I quickly wrapped a towel around my body and went to open the door. But to my suprise it wasn't my dad.

"Charles what are you doing here?" "My dad cant see you here!" I said while wispering. He took a step forward so he couldn't be seen from the hallway, but now he was standing almost too close to me.

"What is going on with you?"He asked me while closing the door behind him.

"The look in your eyes earlier today looked like you hated me" He said.

"Whats going on with me? Ur the person thats completly ignoring me!" I said whilst raising my voice. "Yesterday you were all nice and shit and now you cant even say a word to me!" I walked over to my bed sat down.

"Im sorry I've just been busy, but you are completely overreacting!" "Its not like you have ever liked me or something, you have always had some sort of grudge against me, and I've tried to ignore it but every time I do one thing wrong you completely explode" He said, I stayed silent for a bit and just looked at him. I kind of felt guilty that he felt that way.

"Im sorry, and I dont have a grudge against you!" "I actually think your nicer than I expected" I said softly. He let out a chuckle and then gave me a hug. He softly sneaked out of my room to his own.


There just has alot been going on in my life but i'll try to upload a bit more! What do you guys think of the story so far, i'd love to hear it!

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