Chapter eight.

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I woke up at about 8 am on race day. My dad agreed to let me stay in the hotel on quali day so sadly I wasn't there when Charles got pole. Not that I could've done anything if I was there, because of my dad and stuff. I thought about the argument from yesterday and I started to feel a little bit bad. Its not like I did something wrong but it still feels like it.  I'll find a way to visit him in the paddock. 

I took a shower and then got in a uber to the circuit. My father had to be there earlier so I went on my own. This was the perfect timing to talk to Charles without my father knowing. I walked to the ferrari garrage and searched around for him.

"Charles heyy ,congratss!" I gave him a wave and walked up to him. He gave me a hug and then walked me to the entrance of the garage. I stopped him, "My dad would kill me if he'd see me here" 

"Lets go to the trailers then." He said with a smirk on his face. I hesitated. 

"Come on dont be a pussy" He said and dragged me with him.

I quickly went inside and sat down on his couch. 

"Its cleaner in here than our appartment, no clothes on the ground" I said teasingly. 

"Well here I have to clean it myself, at home you do it for me" He said. 

Suddently we hear knocks on the door.

"Quick hide!" He said 

"Where?!" I said whilst looking around for an option. 

"Shit shit shit" I said mumbeling.

"Hide behind the door!" He said whist gently pushing me towards the door. I tried to be as silent as possible when he opened the door.

"Hey Charles, just wanted to say that we are going to vieuw a bit of your quali laps to see where we can improve." "We can do it in here if you want" She said. I saw her take a step inside. "Shit"

"No lets do it in about 10 minutes, I still need to change" He siad whilst gently pushing her back.

He closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. 

"That was close" He said while laughing. 

"I think i have to go, see you later!" I said and walked to the mercedes garage.

The race was quite dissapointing. The first corner max over took Charles and then led the whole race. Lando got taken over by perez so it was: 

P1: Verstappen

P2: Leclerc

P3: Perez

The mood in the garage changed when it was basically a redbull podium. My father wanted to go home as quickly as possible.

We arrived at the hotel and started packing for the flight early in the morning.

When I got home I walked inside and put my clothes in the laundry machine.

After about 2 hours Charles got home too.

"Congrats on the podium!" I said when he walked in.

"Thanks!" I didn't expect him to be in such a good mood after the race yesterday. We layed on the couch for a while when I noticed he didn't unpack his suitcase yet. 

"Don't tell me you're the type of person that doesn't unpack their suitcase for like a week" I said while laughing.

"No its for monaco" He said. How could I forget?! He's leaving for like 2 months and I just forgot.

"Ooooh" I said. I kind of felt sad, But I didn't want too ruin his mood so I played it cool.

Charles gave me a big hug and then left later that night.


The next few weeks felt so long. The house felt empty, the bedroom didn't feel cozy anymore, and I felt so lonely without his presence. The minutes felt like hours, and the hours felt like days. I felt so alone. Its crazy, Just a week ago I hated him so much and now I dont know what to do without him. I layed awake at night thinking about everything, without him there to calm me down. I even hung out with Lily a few times which was nice, but I still missed him. Lily also slept over a few times and it actually helped, but she had to go on vacation the following week. So I decided to invite Lando over.

"Hey Lando, wanna come over tomorrow?" 

"Ofcourseee" He texted back.


I heard the bell ring so I went to open the door. 

"Hey Lannn" I said, "Come in"


He glanced over the appartment "Not bad" He said jokingly.

I laughed and offered him a drink. We sat down and chatted for a while. It was nice to have his company, I felt that we could become really good friends. 

Lando decided to sleep over because he had a few drinks and didn't want to drive.

"I'll take the couch" He said whilst laying down on it."

'Im not going to ask you to do that, You can take my roommates bed, He isn't here" I said whilst walking to the bedroom.

"Your to sweet" He said with a smile on his face. 

He layed down on the bed and inmediatly fell asleep. I put on my PJ's and tried to wiggle my way into bed.

"Lando can you please lay under the blanket?" I said whilst pulling it under him.

"Mhm" He said and re adjusted himself. I fell asleep so quickly.


Hey guys! I am truely so so sorry for not updating for a while, my motivation hasn't been great and i've had a lot of stuff on my mind. But I wanted to say that I really love your guyses support, it makes me so happy to see that you like the story.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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