Chapter seven.

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I woke up by my dad agressively banging on the door. "Ughh" I sighed while getting out of my bed to open the door. 

"Flora ur late!" He said stressed.

"Im sorry I forgot to set an alarm" I said while rubbing my eye.

"How- Nevermind be ready in 10 minutes" He sighed and then walked away. How the hell am I going to do all of this in 10 minutes? I'll just do my make up in the car. I got dressed and then walked over to my dads room. We took a cab to the circuit so I quickly did my make up there.

When we were walking through the paddock to the garage we stumbeld across Lando. "Lando please remember I can't speak to you, pleaseee" I thought while walking towards his direction.

Lando opened his arms "FLO-" I could see the realisation on his face. "Hey Toto!" He said trying to cover it up. "Hey Lando" My dad said chill. Lando slowly dropped his arms and gave me a look trying to say sorry. "Its fine" I mouth to him. They chatted quickly and then we walked away.

"What was that about" My dad said confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked him trying to play dumb.

"I swear it sounded like he was going to say your name"

"Noo I don't think so, It didn't sound like it" I said while acting confused. The whole day was so boring so I asked my dad if I could go for a walk through the paddock. 

"Be back in 30 minutes" He said. Wow I didn't expect that. I walked out and headed straight to the mclaren garage trying to see if Lando was there.

"Im outside your garage" I texted him. He came quickly and gave me a big hug. 

"Im so sorry for earlier I forgot about your dad" He said while giggeling.

"Its fine I manipulated him into thinking you didn't say my name" I laughed. 

"You can come to my room tonight if you want" "Because we can't do anything else without your dad finding out" 

"Sounds fun!"" I'll come at about 10 pm!" I smiled softly. It felt so nice to have a friend. We walked around the paddock for abit but then the realisation hit. 
"SHIT I HAVE TO GO" I said and ran away. I had been away for 45 minutes. I ran so hard I was out of breath when I got to the garage. I could feel my father's judgy look when I walked in. 

"Im so sorry I got lost and some people wanted to take pictures with me" I said while walking up to him. He said nothing and just stared at me. Then he let out a big sigh. 

"We'll stay here for another hour and a half and then go to the hotel to eat dinner" He said changing the subject. I mostly chatted with the mechanics and watched free practice 2. Suprisingly the top three were:

P1: Charles

P2: Max

P3: Lando

I texted Charles "Congrats! Hope you'll do well tomorrow too!" He responded with a white heart emoij. My father and I orderd room service for dinner. After dinner I went to my own room because I was 'tired'.

At 9: 45 I texted Lando, "Still alr if I come?" And he inmediatly replied with "Ofcourse!!" I left my phone in my own room just incase my dad could see what side of the hotel im on.

Lando's room was close to mine and Charles's so it wasn't a long walk. I knocked on his door and he opened quickly.

"Floraaaa" He said while going in for a hug, I could smell the alchohol on his breath. I gave him a hug back and said. "Have you been drinking?" 

"Just a little bit" He said whilst laughing but I could tell that wasn't the truth. I walked in and layed down on his bed. He layed down next to me. 

"You did well today!" I gave him a soft smile and then zapped through the TV channels. I suddently feel his hand softly laying on my thigh. I feel my heart skip a beat. "He's just drunk, dont make it a big deal" I tell myself. I slowly re adjust my position so that his hand slips off. Lando and I chatted for a while but it kind of felt different, I felt the tension between us but I think it was just the booze. At about 12pm I went to my room. Lando walked me to the door and opened it but then gave me a long hug. I suddently felt his hand going to my waist and my heart started beating faster and faster. I grabbed his arm and slowly pulled it away. "Bye Lannn!" And I walked out. But to my horror I saw Charles standing infront of my door. He turned around.

"Ohh I get it now" He said. "U and Lando are a thing" He said in a kind of angry voice. "And I am standing here infront of your door like a fool" He said whilst looking deeply into my eyes. 

"Its really not like that were just friends!"I said trying to calm him down, why does he care anyway? 

"I saw that hug Flora, but I didn't realise it was you." "Friends don't hug like that" He said in a serious tone. 

"Then you also saw me pulling away, please believe me I am not intressed in him, im just happy I made a friend" I walked to my door and unlocked it. "You can come i  if you want" I said. He walked in and closed the door. "Why were you here anyway?" I asked him.

"You weren't responding so I thought i'd just drop by." 

"Im sorry, I couldnt take my phone with me" I said. He stayed for about 30 minutes and then went back to his own room to sleep. Why did he care so much? Not even a week ago we hated each others guts and now he's mad I hung out with Lando. I still kind of dislike him though, and I don't think that is changing anythime soon. Mabye I do have a grudge against him?

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