Chapter four.

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I woke up at around 4 AM because I had an headache. I rolled over and was suprised to see Charles wasn't in bed. Mabye he slept on the couch. I started to feel bad about yesterday, mabye I was too harsh on him.I walked into the kitchen to get ibuprofen and saw Charles sitting in the kitchen, sipping on a cup of coffee. We locked eyes but I quickly looked away. I walked straight passed him to the cabnets and got ibuprofen. It would be too awkard to talk to him right now. 

"Flora, I coudn't sleep the whole night and want to apologise about what happened. I shouldn't have gotten so mad, im sorry." He turned to face me and I could see that he truly felt guilt about it."

"I do too, you are right. I have to exept that we are roommates, Im sorry I was so mean I just had to much to drink." We gave a soft smile to each other. I walked to the bedroom and tried to fall asleep. I felt I was less stressed now that we had talked about it. After about 15 minutes Charles quitly layed down next to me. He fell asleep quicker than I did. I noticed that his hand was accidently resting on my arm but I didn't push him away, he looked so peacefull and I didn't want to disrupt it. 

I woke up by the doorbel ringing. Charles groaned.

"I'll get it" I said whilst getting up. I quickly put on some more clothes and then rushed to the door.

"Hello Flora." what the fuck.

'Hi dad!" I said. Shit he can't know about Charles! He would kill the both of us.

"I am just checking up on you, can I come in?"

"One second, Its pretty messy" I said and gave him a signal that he should wait. I closed the door and ran to the bed room.

"GO TO THE BATHROOM NOW" I yelled whilst opening the door,

"Why? Who is at the door?!"

"Just trust me, and turn on the shower!" He quickly ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Im sorry you can come in now" I gave him an awkard smile, trying to cover up my stress.

"Im suprised it hasn't turned into a complete disaster" He said while  looking around jugdingly.

"Is your roommate in the shower?" He said after noticing the noice coming from the batroom.

"Yes he is" I started to walk to the front door again to get him out of there.

"So who is he?" He asked. I felt my heart starting to pound.

"Ah just a student studing engenering." 

"Whats his name?" He asked with a confused look on his face, like he noticed I was lying.

"James" I quickly came up with that name.

"Alright, im going to an meeting with Lewis and George. Dont forget to pack your stuff, Ur still coming with me to Abu Dahbi for the last race! You cant miss it." He said and walked out of the door.

"Wouldn't want to miss it!" I said in a sarcastic tone. I waved him goodbye and closed the door. I knocked on the bathroom door. "You can come out now!" I yelled. I heard the shower turning of and a second later he opened the door. 

'So care to explain who that was?" 

"It was my dad, I didn't know he was coming and he would kill us if he found out your my roommate." 

"That explains alot." He said relieved. 

"I wish I could get back at him you know" I said to him while going to the couch. He sat down next to me. 

"Well you dont have a job right?" "Me, Carlos and Fred are going to eat tonight, You can apply for Social media manager." 

"Thats actually not a bad idea!" "So how late is it?"

"Its at 8" 

"I'll be there!" This was a great way to get back at him!. And then I could pay for the apartment myself so he wouldn't be involved anymore.

Charles and I both packed our bags for Abu Dhabi and then just layed on the couch till 7. "So how late are we leaving?" I ask him whilst standing up. 

 "Your definitly not wearing that" He said while quickly scanning me.

"Whats wrong with this?" I asked him confused.

"You're wearing sweatpants.." "You have never applied for a job before, have you?"


"Come on i'll pick something for you." He walked to me closet and picked out a black short dress.

"Here, Formal but fun" He handed it over to me and made a gesture that I should put it on. He turned to face the other way so I put the dress on.

"Perfect" He said. "Now lets go"

We got into his car and started driving there. The radio was quite loud. I noticed that I was starting to feel the nerves. My hands and my legs started shaking a little bit, but I could control it.

We walked into this super fancy restaurant and I suddently felt very nervous. 

"Hello im Flora" I said and shook Freds hand. I greeted Carlos too and then sat down next to Charles and across from Fred. 

"So why do you want to work here Flora?"

"I've always had a special conection with formula one, especially Ferrari. I heard there was a spot for social media manager open, and since I have quite some followers and experience I thought to give it a chance!" He looked at me without saying anything and that made me really nervous. I felt my legs starting to shake even more, and now it was shaking the table a bit. I tried to keep it under control but this time I couldn't. Then suddently I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked and saw it was Charles's. I dont know if it made me more or less nervous but it helped stop the shaking. For some reason his hand stayed there though.

"Great, well let's order our food and talk more!" Fred said.

The food arrived pretty quickly and we just talked more about me. 

"Enough of the intervieuw, lets just enjoy the night" Fred said when our plates were being taken away. It was mostly them three talking but I didn't mind it. It was interesting seeing Charles talk to people he knew well. It was like he was a different person. 

We went home at about 10:30.

"Did you think it went well?" I asked him in the car.

"You said everything you had to, so I dont see a reason why not!" I decided not to ask about the hand thing, it would just be awkard. We both went straight to bed. We layed down,said goodnight and turned the lights off. When Charles fell asleep I noticed he was slightly getting more comfortable, and so was I.

Devotion I Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now