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Percy was relieved. 

Will came up to him a two days after the incident during sword practice. He told him he was going to make it and Percy was so glad he almost cried. He asked if he could see him. Will said yes but warned him that he wasn't awake and might not be for a while. But he raced to the infirmary forgetting Riptide was still in his hand. Nobody cared though.

He spotted Leo and couldn't wait too see his beautiful face. It's only been two days but it felt like forever. Oh, how he wanted to see those amber eyes. His perfect curls.

He sat down on the stool next to the bed. He wasn't conscious like Will said but he was happy that he could see him at all. And that he was alive. He had closed eyes and a blank face. He pushed one of those perfects curls behind his ear and cupped his face. He reached down and gently kissed his forehead. 

"I love you." He whispered. He wasn't sure if he could hear him but he still told him. He sat back down and held his hand. He gripped tight and intended not to ever let go.

He sat there for who knows how long. It didn't matter though. Nothing mattered except Leo. He could've sat there forever by his side. Even if he never woke up. But eventually, one of the Apollo kids told him visiting hours were over. He was disappointed and hesitated but he listened.

He would go and sit next to him every day and wouldn't leave unless visiting hours were over or some kids asked for lessons in sword fighting practice prior. But after a week, he heard a knock on his door which woke him up and caused him to fall off his bed. He groaned but got up and stumbled over the bed sheet before reaching the cabin door. He opened it to see a certain blond haired boy smiling brightly. He didn't waste anytime and said-

"He's awake." Percy was now wide awake and smiling brighter then Apollo himself. He tried to dash out in his pajamas, but he didn't care. Will stopped him. 

"Be gentle though. He is still pretty shaken up." He nodded quickly and ran as if for his life to the infirmary. He ran inside past some other campers and saw him and smiled brighter, though I wonder how that's possible. Leo turned his head to see Percy and smiled weakly but it quickly turned into a frown. Percy walked up to him and sat down on the stool. 

Leo was sitting up and fiddling with his fingers. He looked down at his fingers and continued fiddling.

"Hey." Percy said softly. There were a few moments of silence before Leo replied.

"I'm sorry." he sniffled and Percy realized he was crying. He gently put a hand on his shoulder and sat next to him on the bed. He made himself comfortable and wrapped Leo in a hug while he rested his head on his chest and cried softly into it. 

"Don't say that. It wasn't your fault." He said, rubbing circles onto Leo's back.

"But it is. I cut myself and-and I made you worry." He said, voice breaking.

"But I left you alone and let it happen. Don't blame yourself." he said trying to comfort and reassure Leo.

"But the fact that I can't be trusted to be by myself. It is my fault, Percy. I'm disgusting." He said, looking up at Percy. His eyes were bloodshot and he had a tear streaked face. Percy wiped his face. 

"Hey, don't you dare say that. Your talking about my boyfriend there. And disgusting? No, no no no. Your the complete opposite. Your perfect." Percy pouted, lifting Leo's head for him to look at him. He kissed him on the forehead, holding his face in his hands. 

"I love you. And you know that. You also know that nothing will change that. But I'll keep telling you this as long as I need to." He stroked his cheek and pushed a lock of hair behind his ears. His eyes were still red and puffy from crying but he smiled. But it still didn't last long. He sniffled and rested his head on his chest and hugged him. Percy ruffled his hair and hugged back.

At this point, Leo was in Percy's lap. Percy was rubbing circles onto Leo's back. Percy was heartbroken. About the way Leo thought about himself. He was going to make sure to change that, one way or another.


Leo felt awful.

And very guilty. For the way he made Percy worry. Will had told him that he had been visiting every single day, for hours. Sitting on the stool, staring at Leo and holding his hand. Waiting for him to wake up.

"I love you." he said. He internally scoffed. Not because he thought he was lying, he wasn't. But because he didn't deserve it. Not one single bit. Percy would do anything for Leo. He loved him unconditionally. And what did he give him in return? Worry, he made him worry. Will also said he became distant to others and it was Leo's fault.

He sat on Percy's lap with his head on his chest and arms wrapped around each other. Percy was playing with Leo's brown locks, curling them with his fingers. Leo liked the silence. Since for once, there were no voices in his head. He felt sleepy, his eyes closing and reopening. But eventually he gave into the sleep. 

And in his sleep, there were no dreams. Leo was grateful for that. Just peaceful sleep, probably for the first time in his life.

Percy felt Leo fall asleep. Leo didn't say anything after what Percy said. He didn't know what that meant. But it didn't matter since nothing is ever going to separate them. Nothing can convince him that Leo was anything bad. He was the best boyfriend ever, and best friend. His everything. And his was planning on telling him that when he woke up. 

He kissed him on the head and laid down on the bed with Leo in his arms. Leo curled up in his arms and snored softly. He looked peaceful. 

Percy just laid there with him and played with his hair until boredom caught up to him. So he fell asleep too.

A/N All rights to Uncle Rick  

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