The Sunset

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Percy felt amazing.

To have Leo in his arms, his face being the first thing he sees when he wakes up. He was still asleep. He wasn't buried in his chest anymore so Percy could see his face. Percy smiled at his adorable face. He brushed his cheek and kissed it.

"Good Morning." he said, as he saw him stir. Leo hummed in response. He blinked, eyelashes fluttering beautifully. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. Percy chuckled as Leo yawned and stretched his arms. He frowned.

"What?-" he yelped as Percy pulled him down again. Percy nuzzled into the crook of Leo's neck and wrapped his arms around him once again. Percy smiled into his neck as Leo ran his fingers through Percy's hair. Percy kissed his neck and Leo smiled. A real one. Leo pushed him away to kiss his lips. 

"I love you." Percy said sweetly into their kiss. Leo arm's found their way around Percy's neck. He smiled.

"I love you too, Jackson." Percy pulled apart from the kiss.

"Oh, so we're using nicknames now, Valdez?" Percy raised an eyebrow. Leo smirked.

"Sure, Water boy." 

"Really, Repair boy?" Percy grinned, happy to see Leo in such a good mood.

"Yeah, Kelp face." 

"Oh, you're on."

"Do your worst, Captain Salt Water."

"Fine, Flame head."


"Hey! You guys are awake! Now can you get out? We have more patients." Will interrupted. Percy scoffed.

"Okay, you didn't have to be so rude." Percy said, half joking. Will rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, but we need the bed! And Leo your mostly fully recovered, enough to go back to your cabin. Or Percy's. So your discharged. Now, get out!"  Will shooed them away.

Once they got back to the Poseidon cabin, Percy flopped down on his bed by the wall and laid down. He waved his arms like he was making a snow angel. There weren't many beds because they weren't needed, since Percy is the only son of Poseidon. Tyson is too but he is down at his palace with Poseidon himself, so it doesn't count.

"So soft.." he murmured, because it was. Leo rolled his eyes but smiled. He sat down next to Percy as he sat up. He leaned back on his arms and smiled at Leo. 

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Leo raised his eyebrow. 

"Nothing, I just love you, and your face." Percy said, whilst still looking at him with that in love expression. Leo smiled and chuckled a little, which was also very genuine. Leo leaned on Percy's shoulder.

"I love you, too." Leo said, still smiling. Percy ruffled Leo's hair and kissed his head. Leo hummed and closed his eyes. He seemed relaxed and at peace. Percy was going to get wrinkles because of how much he was smiling, and he couldn't stop. He squeezed Leo's arm, sitting up straight. Leo looked up at him. Percy smiled down on him and couldn't resist the urge to kiss him. So he did. Leo didn't stop him, in fact he moaned. And Percy took that as a signal to keep going. 

Leo turned around to face Percy with his whole body and literally sat on his lap. Percy's hands went to his waist and under his shirt. Leo wrapped his arms around his neck and head, gripping his hair, and kissed him passionately. Moaning a little when their tongues touched and intertwined. But before it could get more heated, Percy pushed away. 

"You sure you okay with this right now. You just got discharged." Percy asked. Leo frowned.

"No, I'm not." Percy frowned.

"So, do you want me to stop?" Leo shook his head. Percy gave him a puzzled look. Leo sighed.

"Not yet anyway." he smirked.

"Okay... So you just wanna make out?" Leo nodded.

"Say less." Percy said kissing him again. Leo closed his eyes as their lips met once again.


Leo wanted to make out with Percy.

Nothing more, nothing less.

"Hmm~" Percy moaned into Leo's mouth. Leo bit Percy's bottom lip teasingly. Which made him moan a bit more. Leo pulled away for a breath of air and smirked seeing Percy frown.

"Control yourself." he said playfully. He ran his hand through Percy's hair.

"I'll try." Percy smirked and leaned into Leo's touch. 

"Want to continue?" Percy asked carefully. Leo scoffed.

"Of course I do." he said smiling and leaning in for another kiss. Their lips touched once again and their tongues got tangled together. They made out like this for like 10 more minutes before stopping. And Leo enjoyed every bit of it and loved spending so much time with Percy.

They decided to head to the beach and relax there. Once they got there they sat down next to each other, hand in hand. Leo rested his head on Percy's shoulder and closed his eyes and enjoyed Percy's comforting presence. While Percy seemed to enjoy the view of the sunset. Orange, purple, red, and yellow painted the sky, creating a beautiful mix of colors.  

Leo smiled warmly, eyes still closed. But it felt amazing to be like this with Percy. He knew Percy was looking at the sunset but that didn't matter. He knew Percy loved him, and that's all he needed to know. 

"I love you." Percy said out of the blue, for the hundredth time.

"Hm?" Leo opened one eye and looked up at Percy to see him turning his head to look down on him. Leo smiled, seeing his beautiful face.

"You know I love you too, Aquaman." Leo smirked at him. Percy rolled his eyes.

"Oh, we're doing this again?" Leo giggled as Percy laughed. He threw his head back a little while he laughed and Leo saw that in slow motion. He was mesmerized. How he closed his eyes, the smile lines on his face, his hair whipped back slightly. He couldn't help but stare. But that moment ended too fast. 

Percy glanced at him as he stopped laughing and Leo could feel the heat creeping onto his face. Percy smirked as his saw Leo flustered. 

"Did I make you flustered?" Percy asked smirking and glanced at his lips. Leo smirked right back at him, still red.

"Yeah, but I can make you flustered too~" Leo said and winked at him. He knew he was right. Partly because of how Percy reacted.

Leo saw the heat rising in his cheeks. Percy was wide-eyed. 

"Wha-I um-" He stuttered. He then seemed to have also realized that Leo was in fact right. He sighed and looked down.

"Yeah, your right." he said quiet enough for only him to hear, though there was no one else to listen.

"I know I am." Leo chuckled. He snaked his hands up to Percy neck and sat on his lap, his head on Percy's shoulder. 

"Heh, of course you do." Percy said, wrapping his hands around Leo's torso. They stayed like that, with Leo's eyes closed. 

Leo didn't know how long they were there. But, eventually, Leo started to drift off. 

A/N Helloooo to the people who even bother to read this, which idk why u do. I know it took bit longer for me to publish but thank u if ur still reading. I got 2 votes which i know def is not at all not but thank u to those people who voted on the story and for thank u for 180 reads! Way more than I thought I would get but thank u!

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