Boyfriends at last

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A/N Warning: Some sexual and triggering stuff so watch out

Percy was exhausted.

He had to admit though, last night was amazing. He wasn't sure when they went to bed. But he knew that he did not get enough sleep before the conch horn blew for breakfast.

His eyes shot open and he felt the tiredness wash over him like a wave instantly. He opened his eyes again and saw Leo stir in his arms. They were still naked so Percy could see Leo's bare arms and what caught his eyes was what was on his left wrist. Percy's eyes widened and he shut them just as fast, hoping what he just saw wasn't really there.

Leo sat up with the support of his arms, still leaning on them. He yawned and rubbed his eyes and looked adorable doing it. Percy sat up and pulled Leo into his arms again.

"Mmn, good morning to you too." he said still half asleep. He yawned cutely again, but Percy was worried. He rested his chin on Leo's shoulder and took a hold of his left arm. He held it out in front of him and turned it to see his wrist. What he saw horrified him.

There were cuts that he could tell were recent, about a dozen all in different directions. Reddish-white lines.

"Hm, what are you..." he trailed off, looking at what Percy was looking at.


Oh no,

Leo thought.

He was not supposed to see that. Shit

"Leo... why?" he asked, his gaze still on his cuts. He sounded broken. The guilt washed over him and he looked down.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't-I-" he stuttered.

"No. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to." Did he sound... hurt?

"Percy, I don't know what I was thinking, I-I was depressed and t-these, voices-I'm so sorry." he flinched ever so slightly when he said voices. The voices.

He's probably gonna leave you now.

Why would he like someone who doesn't even like himself?

He's disgusted.

He hates you.

Why are you still in his cabin?


Or die.

He wouldn't care either way.

He was about to cry when Percy finally spoke.

"Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault. I'll be right here when you want to talk. I'm right here." he said softly, putting Leo's hand down. He wrapped his arms around Leo's small body.

Leo shivered, letting out a sob. He turned around in Percy's arms and cried into his bare chest. He latched onto him tightly like if he didn't, he would go away. Percy held him tightly.

He whispered comforting things to Leo, trying to make him feel better. They were like that for a while until Leo finally calmed down. Leo got up to find his clothes an get dressed but yelped when something pulled him down.

"I love you." Percy smiled, kissing Leo's check and hugging him from behind, on the bed. Leo smiled, feeling butterflies in his stomach. And the fact that they were naked didn't help.

"I love you too. But we have to goooo!" Leo whinnied, even though he didn't want to actually leave.

"Finee." he let go of Leo. He stood up, trying to find his clothes. Percy laid back down dramatically.

"Both of us." Leo said, smiling at Percy while he buttoned his shirt.

"Whyyyy?" Percy complained.

"Becausee! We have to." he said laughing.

"But I'm tired." Percy pouted, crossing his arms, sitting up. He looked too cute.

"Come onnn!" Leo dragged him of the bed and got him to put some clothes on, even though it was swim trunks and some random shirt. It was something.

Percy crossed his arms and fake glared at Leo. He doubled over, laughing. Percy pretended to roll his eyes and scowl. But his face turned soft, smiling at Leo who looked so happy. He made it his personal mission to always keep Leo happy at all times.

"Also one more thing." Percy said.

Leo stood straight up to look at Percy.


"Wanna be my boyfriend?" Leo smiled as bright as Apollo himself, maybe even brighter.

"Yesss!" he exclaimed.


Nico was annoyed.

He didn't get any sleep. Part of why was because of Leo and Percy that night. Leo mostly, couldn't keep quite! He could hear him moan all the way to the Hades cabin. Even though Poseidon's cabin was on the other end of the line of cabins.

But it was mostly because lately he's been having nightmares. This is pretty normal for him but these were even worse than Tartarus. He could never remember what though, just that they were horrible.

Will tried to help of course but nothing worked. The first time it happened was when he was in his cabin all alone. He woke up and screamed, sweating intensely. He broke down and used the little keychain Will gave him. It was a paw print and he told him to click the pad of it whenever he needed Will.

He clicked on it continually, sobbing on the floor beside his bed. Will came in after a minute or 2 and hugged Nico.

"I'm right here, baby." he whispered reassuringly. Then they cuddled on the bed until Nico felt better. Will kept whispering reassuring things and didn't force Nico to talk about it.

After Nico calmed down, Will pecked his lips lightly. Nico pulled him back for another kiss. Which turned into a full on make out session. Nico was a bottom of course, everybody saw that coming.

Nico moaned as Will bit his lower lip. They're tongues were twisting together in many directions. Will kissed every part of Nico he could; behind the ear, on his neck, jaw, on his face, collarbone etc.

But they stopped before things could get heated, or they wouldn't have stopped at all. No one expected it but it turns out Nico was kind of loud too and Will was the quite one. Will stole one last kiss on the lips from Nico before they fell asleep in each other's arms.

A/N Idk why but I wanted to do some Solangelo fanfic too but short and sweet:) But got too lazy to make it another story. Btw all rights to Uncle Rick

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