Lucy bronze x reader part 5

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I've not even told lucy yet and now im tellign 5 people  "Keira  im retiring my knee cant take anymore it hurts to just stand on it i want to play this next season so fucking bad but i dont know if i can im going back because im selling my childhood house she didnt let me finish what i was saying  last night"

The room fell into an uneasy silence as the weight of my revelation settled among the girls. Keira's eyes widened, and her initial frustration shifted to concern. the others exchanged glances, attempting to make sense of the unexpected turn in our conversation.

"Retiring?" Keira finally broke the silence, her voice full of surprise . "You can't be serious, y/n."

I nodded solemnly, my gaze fixed on the floor. "I wish it were different, Keira. But my knee... it's just not holding up. I've been trying to play through the pain, but it's getting worse. I've already cause permanent damage."

Alexia placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Lily, why didn't you say anything earlier? We're here for you."

"I know, alexia ," I replied, appreciating the support. "But there's something else. I'm going back to Manchester to sell my childhood home. There isn't any reason to keep it I'm not going back after this I'm staying in England but not in Manchester I can stay there not after the shit that happened."

Short I know but the next part will be longer

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