Secret 3rd kid

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After chatting with the girls for a bit, I picked up my bag, which was definitely heavier than it needed to be. That's a problem for another day. Saying goodbye to the 4 girls, I walked out of the training facility. A cold shiver ran down my spine as the English weather hit me. Walking to the car, I glanced back at the facility. This was home until 2025. It was definitely different from my old team.

Getting into my car, I put on my seatbelt after starting the car and connected my phone to the Bluetooth, playing a random playlist. About 15 minutes later, at a red light, I got an Instagram notification: Arsenal Women just posted. Seconds later, my phone started blowing up with people following me. Turning back to the road, I turned right, parking my car.

Walking into the apartment building, I climbed the stairs and opened the door to my apartment. Boxes were scattered everywhere. Walking to the window in the living room, the sound of rain echoed through my apartment. This was life now. 6 hours and 41 minutes away from everything I knew and loved. It was scary. I knew nothing about this country except that my mama was the coach of the national team. I knew nobody. I knew a lot of the lounges but not all of it.

Walking over to the bedroom, I pulled the mattress off from leaning against the wall and let it fall to the ground. Opening one of the boxes next to where the mattress was, I pulled out a blanket and pillow, throwing them on the bed. Flopping down after curling up under the blanket, I listened to the rain and the cars. I must have fallen asleep at some point. It was now 6:30 am.

I had a meeting at 9:30, and then the team doctor wanted to have a chat and a checkup, something about me playing again. I had only played 10 minutes in my last game, having just come back from an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear. They just wanted to ask questions and see how it was doing and how I was doing.

Getting up, I walked to the boxes in the corner of the room, opening them. I grabbed the first thing I saw a gray cropped hoodie with matching pants. For shoes, I picked Air Jordan 1 Mid College Gray. Walking to the fridge, I got out the only thing that was in there: a strawberry Greek yogurt. After I finished it, I threw it in the bin.

Walking to the door, I picked up my car keys. The car ride over to the training center was uneventful. Walking through the door, I was greeted by the media team. I waved at them, walking past, realizing I had no clue where anything was. Luckily, Jonas came out of nowhere. "Hey, I thought you might need a bit of help finding where everything is." We both started walking in the direction I kinda remembered. "Yeah, I kinda forgot where to go." Turning left, there was a door that said meeting room. "Yeah, a lot of new people do for the first 2 or 3 days." Chuckling a bit, I replied, "Glad to know I'm not the only person to ever get lost on their first day."

Walking into the room, most seats were taken, but there were a few open ones in the front. Hearing the door open, everyone looked at it. I walked over to one of the open seats.

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