A viking and dragon, together

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Sea stack after sea stack, island after island, day after day Toothless and I flew looking for somewhere to call home if even for a little while but yet none of the islands they found would work. That was until now. "Hey bud, I see some water on this one, that's a good sign right?" I asked, receiving a disgruntled groan from my onyx scaled friend. "Eh good enough. Take us down bud". He didn't need to be told twice as he began a steady descent to the island, making sure we had enough time to look it over from above before landing. "Over there, I think there's a cave" I said looking over Toothless' side at a large opening in the side of a mountain whilst giving him a gentle nudge in the direction of it.

A few moments later we landed at the watering hole we saw and Toothless immediately started having a drink whilst I fiddled with my bag and got out my cup to collect some myself. "So, what do you think? The island is pretty big and there is a nice cave not too far from us right now, and we have a source of clean water. What do you say we use this as a home for now at least whilst we finish exploring inside the archipelago and then after that, we can leave, go even further away from all this." I questioned just to get a small croon in response. "Good, glad you agree. Now, the cave is this way." I said as I began walking in the direction of the cave I saw just that short time ago. It only took the two of us 10 minutes to walk to the cave entrance which itself is surrounded by some large vines and a few bushes, a nice camouflage if we need to make one but what was truly astounding was the inside, even though we were inside of a mountain the cave was very well lit thanks to a hole that leads from the top of the mountain down. "Toothless , I think we might have stumbled upon an extinct volcano. Look at these chambers and this opening, it's perfect." I said rubbing on the nose of my draconic companion as we walked further inside to make our new home.

After 3 days we had a functioning home, in the main chamber we made a small temporary forge with a hatch in the ceiling for when it rains, one of the small chambers to the side we used to store items and materials as well as any extra food we could get, thankfully we managed to find trader Johann when we went to collect some plants on another island that I remembered to be good for medicines and whilst I gave him a good scare, it meant we didn't have to worry too much about food for now and I just made sure to provide him with some of the unique metals I found in the volcano, they seemed to be rather strong materials so he wasn't opposed to the trade. Thanks to Johann I was also able to get myself some cloth, leather, a nice fur blanket and some other items that I could find uses for. Though I feel he gave me more than the materials I provided were worth, I suppose one could forget to try to bargain when a Night Fury lands on the deck of their ship with the heir of a viking village on its back. Now with the island sorted and my home in a working order I had one last thing to do, I had to go back to Berk and free those Dragons and hope I wasn't too late.

"Bud, it's time for us to go, we need to head back to Berk and free the dragons they have." I announced as I grabbed a mask I made out of some of the leather and cloth I got from Johann as well as the interesting volcanic metals, it would help me at least hide a bit if someone saw me and provide some protection from the cold weather. Toothless however didn't seem as enthusiastic about this as I expected as he gave me a concerned groan. "Hey, I don't like having to go back there so soon either but if we don't, then all of those dragons are going to die and I don't want that to happen whilst I know there is something I could have done about it, it's not something I want in the back of my mind" I responded this time grabbing my knife, "besides if we leave now we will get there for the middle of the night, the village will be mostly asleep save for a few guards which we can avoid, no one will know we were even there, not until the morning when they check on the dragons." I added hoping it would be enough to convince the stubborn dragon who thankfully just gave a defeated grunt and walked over to me. "Thanks bud" I said as I got on him and we took off straight for Berk. Turns out I was right after only 7 hours of flying we arrived at berk just in time to see some of the torches dying out, good it means the current guards have been on shift for a while, less likely to be as vigilant. "Alright then, now or never" I whispered to Toothless who immediately dived towards the sea before extending his wings fully allowing us to glide effortlessly to the island and straight to the arena. It took only moments for us to get to the arena and seemingly we were completely unnoticed by anything, except the dragons in the cages who I could easily hear growling most likely at me. "Hey, hey shh shhh, please stop making noise I am going to get you out of there" I whispered to the dragons almost praying that they would understand and for once it seems the gods had granted my wish as they all went quiet. "Alright, good, lets see what we can do about the doors" I said keeping my hushed tone whilst examining the doors. "Well, there is no quiet way to do this so we will need to be ready to immediately take off and leave, Toothless would you do the honours" I said receiving 5 rapid plasma blasts as a response blasting all of the doors open "Right now everyone follow us and quickly" I said as I got Toothless to take off followed by the 5 dragons we just freed. Not a moment too soon either as I heard the horn blow signalling the village of what just happened and multiple guards started running to the arena, though all they would find is 5 shattered doors.

"Well that went well" I said whilst we were in the air, Toothless slapping me with one of his ears "Hey what was that for?" I asked but he just ignored me as we flew back to our new island, this time with 5 new guests. On the way I pondered the idea of finding Johann again and appearing with the 5 extra dragons but in the end I decided that might just give him a heart attack so I probably shouldn't, not yet at least and so we continued. Only a few hours later we were back home and Toothless all but threw me off of him as we landed before curling up and going to sleep. I chose to go to sleep as well and so went to the chamber I designated to be my bedroom, got myself comfortable and put the fur blanket I got from Johann over myself before quickly drifting to sleep. Unbeknownst to me at the time the five dragons I had brought back to the island with me had all chosen to join me and Toothless in the remains of the volcano and by the time I woke up I had a Gronckle laying next to me and a Terrible Terror on top of me. "Well, I guess I made some friends, it's funny, not much over a week ago I was fighting you for a chance to "kill a dragon" and yet here we are living together." I spoke up out loud before gently lifting the Terror off of me and placing it back on the blanket before making my way out of the chamber just to find the Monstrous Nightmare curled around my forge and the Deadly Nadder seemingly cuddled against Toothless. "I wonder where the Zippleback is" I said to myself just to have a fish dropped on my head. As I looked up all I saw was a green head poking through the hatch in the ceiling almost taunting me. I guess I know where the Zippleback is now I thought as I walked to where we put the food to get myself some bread for breakfast. I guess from now on life is going to be rather eventful.

A Runaways Resolve, A Dragon Master's LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now