Ch. 1 - Gripping -

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Hello Everyone before you read this I would like to say I am doing a re-write soon this story is really awful to me and I think I should do better anyways hope you enjoy this one for now. - Also people have been getting confused and I apologize I haven't written anything in a long time so I am sorry for that.

The new hotel was up and running sinners coming in from all over Charlie is thrilled Lucifer is proud of his Daughter Alastor as of late has been really quiet for someone who likes entertainment he sure isn't trying to make it happen.




"Hey Alastor?" Charlie asked, as she walked up to the demon at the corner of the room.

"Yes, my dear?" Alastor questioned, his voice static then clear as if his voice had glitched.
//His microphone is still broken//

"Are you alright, ever since the hotel was ready for opening you've been really silent and I don't know if it is just me but did your voice glitch?" Charlie asked, concern wavering he face as she looked up at the man in front of her.

*A radio screech filled the air as glitched static filled the air for about 10 seconds*



"No no my dear I have no been glitching my microphone must be on the fritz as it does after a battle." Alastor stated in his defense hoping the delusional princess will believe his white lie.

"Alastor if your having problems you can always tell me or anyone for that matter we're all here to help you and others if you let us." Charlie said as she gave a light smile then her face suddenly lit up as Alastor's ears went down but quickly up again to not draw attention.

"Alright here I have an idea your just going to have to trust me on this I will call everyone down to the lobby!" Charlie said as she smiled so big Alastor thought she would break her jaw.


10 minutes later



"Hey Charlie why've you gathered us all down here for?" Angel asked confused as to they haven't had the group together for a hot minute.

"Well Angel I took it upon myself to have a new activity for us all to do!" Charlie gushed as Vaggie just shook her head and smiled lovingly at her girlfriends theatrics.

"Well why'd you call me in here for ain't I the fucking bartender can't I get a damn break and not join in these things?" Husk huffed.

"Well Husk you are a part of this group too and this activity is special because I have a special guest who will be joking in their first group activity!" Charlie happily said as everyone looked around confused as to nobody new was there suddenly a gust of glimmer came and there stood the big boss of hell himself.

"Charlie!" Lucifer exclaimed as he gave his daughter a bear hug.

"Guys my dad has taken it upon himself to join in his first group activity! Now I hope everyone will make him feel welcome!!" Charlie said as she told her dad he can sit anywhere

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