Chapter 19 - Together -

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The day had been very long there was a lot of paperwork for the new hotel that Lucifer had been putting off but now started to finally do it today and so the majority of the day was spent finishing the paperwork.

Alastor spent his day going to the tailor then having a lovely chat with Rosie and then finishing the paperwork he had for the day he finished all the other paperwork a long time ago then he realized he hadn't seen the king the whole day. "I wonder where he must be?" Alastor thought.

Now onto the story...

Lucifer finally finished up his paperwork sighing as he made his way to the balcony making sure to take a small box of cigarettes and his lighter. (Seriously don't smoke guys this is just for the story I'm not encouraging anything.)

Lucifer looked at his ring and sighed then brought out a cigarette trying to get his lighter to work when it just kept sparking he just gave up horns sprouting turning into his full demonic form and throwing the lighter off the balcony, probably hitting a sinner walking by but he did not care for that. He breathed and wrapped himself in his wings to calm down.



"What's wrong my dear?" Alastor asked walking over then bent down to the broken Angel looking sadly at the sight.

"What does it matter how does it benefit you?" Lucifer asked coldly.

Alastor's ears went down.

"I'm sorry Alastor I just- I don't understand." Lucifer said putting his wings away to properly look at the radio demon.

"Don't understand what exactly?" Alastor asked as he gently placed his hand on Lucifer's hand.

Both of their hands were cold but they had warmth in their frayed souls intertwining with the twisted love they had for each other and they knew if they had a soul it would be glowing in this moment.

"I don't understand-" Lucifer started to say tears started to stream down his porcelain face.

Alastor quickly wiped them away refusing to see them hit the ground then hugged Lucifer tightly though it was a little awkward with the height difference and how they were still on the ground.

Alastor rested his head on Lucifer's sighing "Take your time darling there's no rush to get your words out."

Lucifer pushed Alastor away forcefully.

"I don't understand, why you don't hate me look at me I'm the one who you have to thank for coming down here! You should be having tea with your mother right now and being content in heavens clouds - but your stuck here with the one man who doomed all of humanity. I gave everyone free will and they chose to abuse it rather than give it. It's all my fault Alastor!" Lucifer finished his demonic form once again showing but he refused to put it away.

"Lucifer I didn't like you at first but I never hated you my mother refused to ever let me use that word and I refuse to use it as well - and you aren't the one that needs to be thanked for letting me and all the rest of these souls come down here this was mine and their all own fault, sure I sometimes wish I could see my mother but I would rather not let her see the wasteful sinner I've become, you didn't doom anyone you wanted us all to be happy and creative and I guess we all did but not in the right way all of this was mine and everyone's fault don't you dare blame yourself." Alastor said looking intently in Lucifer's eyes waiting for his eyes to turn back to normal.

Lucifer put his form away and let out a long pained cry Alastor once again hugging the hurt Angel then as Lucifer calmed down they both stood up Alastor lighting his hands up with his fire lighting Lucifer's cigarette Lucifer took it and took a long and deep breath of the calming smoke then his eyes went down once again to his ring.

"Alastor?" Lucifer asked.

"Yes my Angel?" Alastor asked.

Lucifer giggled a bit then continued.

"Would you do me a favor and take off my ring you can do anything you want to it." Lucifer said as he put the cigarette back and then made them fade away in a puff of magic then raised his hand to Alastor.

"Are you sure my dear you don't think you'll regret this decision?" Alastor asked looking a bit concerned to the fallen Angel in front of him.

"Yes just get rid of it." Lucifer stated.

Alastor just nodded taking the ring and then used his powers to disintegrate the golden item.

Lucifer watched the scene then had a big cheeky smile on his face looking at the deer demon as Alastor looked to Lucifer lost in confusion.

"You aren't sad?" Alastor asked putting his hand to Lucifer's soft cheek.

Lucifer gently laid his hand on Alastor's taking it off his cheek then grabbed Alastor's other hand and looked into the sinners eyes.

"Why would I be?" Lucifer asked.

Alastor tilted his head one of his ears falling down slightly.

Lucifer laughed then continued.

"Now we can finally be together!" Lucifer said raising his hands out of Alastor's his wings coming out in excitement.

Alastor laughed looking fondly at the one he fell in love with now he was sure that he finally knew this feeling and did not want to loose this light he had in his life.

"May I kiss you?" Lucifer asked fiddling with his fingers still a tad nervous.

"Nope!" Alastor exclaimed looking smugly down at the short king.

"What why n-" Lucifer started to say but was stopped by Alastor putting a hand to his mouth.

"Because that's my job!" Alastor said moving one of his hands to Lucifer's face then placing the other on Lucifer's back dipping his lover then placed his lips on the other the nervousness disappearing only replaced with love and contentment as Lucifer kissed back."

"Together hmm I think I would like that very much." Alastor thought.

Sorry I know I said I would make this long but I just really wanted to do something really sweet and I am very content with this chapter the next one will be the last so stay tuned!! 😈

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