Ch. 8 - Dance -

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The next morning Alastor woke up very happily and made his way downstairs since he had a truly wonderful idea what's that idea you might ask well read to find out my dear!

Alastor had a wonderful idea well at least he thought it was though he needed permission by Charlie of course if he wanted this idea to follow through.

"Oh Charlie may I have a word with you!"Alastor asked to the princess that was sitting on the sofa cuddling up to Vaggie for she was still tired.

"Of course you can Alastor what would you like to talk about?" Charlie asked smiling.

"Well my dear I believe I though of something that you and everyone else might all enjoy!" Alastor exclaimed throwing his arms out for emphasis.

"Well don't keep me waiting, whats your idea?"Charlie asked smiling wider in anticipation.

"Why don't we have a dance or a ball as some may call it you can dance with your girlfriend of course and maybe Angel would like to dance with Husk!" Alastor said.

"Hey! Husk doesn't see me like that smiles."Angel said walking up to the crew.

"My dear effeminate fellow I'm sure he does the way you two act is definitely a form of love to me but who am I to talk why don't you find out on your own!" Alastor said as he gently laid his hand on the spiders shoulder for encouragement.

"Well gee smiles any more kindness from you and ima believe your going soft." Angel said ruffling Alastor's hair.

Alastor gripped onto Angels hand in annoyance not hard but in a way of I want you to stop and Angel jumped a bit.

"Angel refrain from ruffling my hair please..." Alastor said.

Angel shook his head and calmed his breathing down.

"Sorry Alastor but really thank you for the advise maybe I'll use it later."Angel said.

Alastor just smiled politely and waved at the spider as he walked away.

"The spider boy was right huh you really are going soft." Lucifer said walking down the stairs with a robe covered in duck prints and messy hair.

Alastor turned around looking at the king for a second then cleared his throat trying to not think of the cute messy hair Lucifer had.

"Maybe it's a good thing to become soft my darling after all nothing lasts forever now I do have a question for you."Alastor said as he took Lucifer's hands in his.

"Oh, and what might that be?" Lucifer asked.

"Would you care to dance with me at the ball tonight?"Alastor asked.

"I didn't know there would be a ball tonight but of course I'll dance with you." Lucifer smiled as he gave the deer demons hands a gentle squeeze.

Alastor let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding and just hummed a jazz tune as he let go of Lucifer's hands and walked out the front door.

By then Vaggie woke up.

"Ugh what happened? Charlie why do you look so happy?" Vaggie asked at the now giddy girlfriend.

"Well Alastor told me about this idea he had an..."

Time skip

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