Ch. 12 - Touch -

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As the two walked downstairs they realized most of the hotel staff were gone except Charlie as she got up to greet them.

"Oh hello dad and Alastor how are you guys this morning?" Charlie asked the 2.

"Why I am fit as a fiddle darling!" Alastor said smiling warmly at the princess.

"I'm feeling great Char Char!" Lucifer exclaimed giving his daughter a tight hug.

"D-dad I can't br- breathe." Charlie stuttered.

"Oh right sorry! What are the others up to?"Lucifer asked.

"Well Husk and Angel are going out on a breakfast date, Nifty is cleaning and Vaggie is shopping for some groceries so I've really just been here alone with Keekee and Razzle." Charlie shrugged.

"Oh my if we realized you were alone I'm sure we would've come down earlier isn't that right Alastor?"Lucifer asked the deer as he placed a hand on the others arm.

Alastor tensed and jumped back at the sudden touch.

"Ah haha yes Charlie dear we shall keep you company darling!" Alastor said avoiding Lucifer as he lead Charlie to the couch to sit next to her.

Lucifer looked at Alastor in confusion as he sat by his daughter on the other side of the couch.

"You guys don't need to sit with me I understand if you have something important as well." Charlie said hoping she wasn't being a bother.

"Nonsense my dear!" Alastor said.

"Thank you sorry I can be a mess sometimes." Charlie said placing her hand on Alastor's to give a small squeeze.

Alastor flinched but decided to calm down not wanting to upset Charlie more.

"Darling whenever you need any of us we shall always be there."Alastor said.

"Huh jeez Al I think your getting soft on us pal."Lucifer said smirking at the demon.

Alastor's ears shot up and his face darkened with a bit of red out of embarrassment.

"I... I'm not soft I'm just being a gentlemen." Alastor stated not wanting to elaborate anything.

"Well Alastor I think you are a wonderful gentlemen and you have been very helpful with everything I'm sure possibly *yawn* one day you may find redemption as well." Charlie said removing her hand from Alastor's to rub her eyes.

Lucifer looked at his daughter in concern and was fixing to pull her up to take her to her bed till Alastor beat him to it.

"Oh my it looks like our dear princess overworked herself again."Alastor said softly holding her close to his chest to protect her from falling.

//hey before you get any ideas this is supposed to be a fatherly chapter.//

Lucifer sighed and moved a strand away from Charlie's forehead softly giving her a gentle kiss on it and looked to Alastor giving him a nod to take her to her room.

Alastor nodded back and went to Charlie's room and lied her down on her bed pulling up the covers tight but not too tight so she can still move around.

'Ha the radio demon the most cruelest overlord in hell going soft? Alastor asked himself.
Maybe it might be a good thing I could possibly see my mother again- ah what am I saying?' Alastor thought as he got up and placed a gentle kiss on Charlie's cheek making her smile softly in her sleep.

Alastor closed the door to Charlie's room and turned around seeing Lucifer in front of him.

"Hey, can we talk please?" Lucifer asked looking a bit sheepish.

"Yes we may your room or mine?"Alastor asked.

"Yours if that's alright." Lucifer said.

Alastor nodded snapping his fingers teleporting them to his room and taking a seat on his bed as Lucifer did the same.

"So what is it you wanted to ask me darling?"Alastor asked.

Lucifer looked to him confused that was the first time he's called him darling today.

"Are you okay? Just I tried to gently place my arm on you and Charlie gently squeezed your hand and you got so tense are we hurting you I'll stop if-"Lucifer paused as Alastor interrupted him

"No no of course you aren't hurting me I am just having a no touch day it's kind of foolish of me that I'm such a defect towards physical touch." Alastor sighed.

"Your not a defect! Don't you ever say that again - but why did you carry Charlie to her room and kissed her cheek if you don't like touch?" Lucifer asked.

"Oh I guess I should elaborate I don't like sudden touch I like being asked for permission and as long as I am the one doing it it's alright." Alastor said.

"Oh got it I'll remember that next time, how about today we can just find presence with each-other." Lucifer asked

"That would be lovely." Alastor said.

The rest of the day Alastor and Lucifer just talked the tension leaving Alastor as he relaxed and started kicking his feet back and forth gossiping with Lucifer and laughed as Lucifer let out dramatic gasps, over all the two had a lovely day just being present with each other no touch needed to know that they still care for one another.

"Wait.. since when did Husk and Angel started dating?" Alastor exclaimed just having the realization of what Charlie said.

Lucifer just laughed and shook his head.

Finished!! This chapter is important to me because I have these boundaries as well! And I wanted to make a soft father daughter chapter even if it was with Alastor don't get anything twisted please.

-Also when I'm having a no touch day I love it when my friends just lovingly talk to me with no touch needed it makes me content and happy and hopefully others who can relate can find comfort in this chapter as well! ❤️ until next chapter!! We're almost finished 😉

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