Ch. 4 - Karaoke -

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"Why not do karaoke? I mean most of us are broadway singers." Angel says - as he breaks the fourth wall. - "plus I'm sure most of us don't want to watch another movie."

"Ah yes I guess that's true any other ideas for later or just sleep?" Charlie asked.

"Charlie Dear you know I can't sleep right?" Alastor asked politely.

"Oh yes Al I guess you can be free to whatever you want once the time comes." Charlie shrugged.

"Thank you my dear." Alastor smiled.

"Alright now that, that's settled I will go get the karaoke box and mics now- uh you can think about what song you would want to sing when I get back!"Charlie suggested as she walked out happily.

"Sooooo what's everyone singing?" Angel asked.

"I'm singing friends on the other side." Husk says -haha see what I did there

"I'm singing you're never fully dressed without a smile of course!" Alastor says as he takes a small bow.

"Knowing you smiles I'm not surprised" Angel says.

"I don't know what to sing really so I will just let Charlie decide and we may do a duet." Vaggie states.

"Aw that's sweet." Angel smiled then looked to Lucifer.

"What about you short king what's your song?"Angel asked leaning in on his hands to show he was listening.

"I'm going to sing from now on" Lucifer said.

"Alright I can see that what about you Nif?" "Uhh Nifty?"Angel asked as he looks for the crazy cyclops.

"Oh you guys can go without me the bugs are not winning today!!" Nifty said as she carefully picked up KeeKee while KeeKee just accepted it the two disappearing behind a corner.

"Alright well I had all this time to decide so I am singing new side of me." Angel said as everyone just nodded.

"Alrighty guys! I found everything I hope you all found a song!!" They all nodded except Vaggie Charlie tilted her head setting her stuff down as she walked towards her girlfriend.

"Charlie could me and you do a duet I can come up with songs off the top of my head?" Vaggie asked as she moved her hair behind her ear nervously.

"Of course we can Vaggie hmmm... let's see- how about I see the light?" Charlie suggested.

"Sure!!" Vaggie said happily.

-"Wait guys I have an idea Ah well it's more of a challenge." Husk said suddenly as everyone rose an eyebrow at him.

"Let's all drink till we're drunk and then sing come on it'll be fun." Husk said as he smiled evilly.

"No Husk we're not Drunk singing are throats are going to feel extra shitty once we get a hangover.." Vaggie said as she shook her head no.

"Well I'm down who knows we might get some laughs and good memories - oh scratch that if we remember - hah!"Angel agreed.

"Hm this certainly would be very entertaining I must say though I am not a big drinker but if you have some Rye on the shelf then I'll consider." Alastor said as his grin gets bigger.

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