first day 8/18/2023

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i woke up on the floor to annoying ass beeping i turned off my alarm,grabbed a random sweatshirt,put it on and then went into the kitchen. My brother Zayden was sitting on a stool blasting music while eating coco puffs while my sister Jacklin was having her yogurt which is "a rich source of calciUm. sOmething that you will nEver understand JeSsica 🤪" god i hate her AND since we are the same age i have to share classes with her.she continued making fun of my weight,habits,gayness ,ect. until it was time for us to go to the bus stop together.on the bus i sat with my friend Mari "want some?" she says offering a cigarette "I need one.thanks"  I know smoking cigarettes is 'bad' for you but at this point even i don't even give a fuck mine as well have fun while i'm still here right?plus there is so much chaos on this bus with all the make outs,sex,bullying,etc. that i don't even care anymore. Mari and I talked until we got to school.I walked in to the school as an 8th grader for the first time and already wanted to go home.

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