"ahem, Jessica?" I hear a voice behind me say.I look behind me and see my sister, Jacklynn... and her friends the most popular girls in school, "the Lynns", I let out a sigh "what do you want?" "Mr.Fisscoczi wanted me to tell you to see him after class." she replied "Just don't become his favorite" she says smugly. I roll my eyes then her friend Jadelynn says something to Kiru and Cate May "are you two still wearing masks!? Tryna cover your face up?! COVID is soo 2020 core." "Maybe you should wear one it will cover up you ugly ass face" Valentine says annoyed. "Why are you so mean?!" Jacklynn's other friend Brailynn exclaims "I ain't mean but NO one messes with Kiru but Lila and I" Valentine replies. "you're just mad that I am actually pretty" Jadelynn "besides who wouldn't be jelly of moi " "SHUT YOUR RICE EATING, DOG COOKING, CHING CHONG ASS UP" Valentine exclaimes. Everyone is in shock, kids from other tables look over and pull out their phones. "that's actually insane" Mari whispers "I know right" I whisper back. Jadelynn is so mad she punches Valentine "ohh HELL NAH!" Val yells. Val grabs Jadelynn's head and bashes it into the table they break out into a fight and while everyone start cheering and recording the teachers finally show up to break up the fight.

The foggy beach
Roman pour Adolescentsa 14 year old(8th grade) girl's book of random entries she wrote while dealing with her weird life.her name is Jessica Maurers (she goes by Jessiy) and she lives in the foggy part of california. she has a twin sister that she hated since she was 8 a...