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"Jessica Maurers?" Mrs.Cisco calls out. "good luck!" Brailynn says with a smile. I nod and walk over to the stage. I am a bit nervous "I know that I could be a very good Anne boylan" I lie to my self. I see Mrs.Cisco looking at me with her serious face, not to be confused with her "YoU doN't wAnNa sEe mY daRk siDe 😈😈😈" face. With all my heart I put in all my effort and sing 'don't lose your head' at the end Mrs.Cisco writes down some notes "I see another girl wanting to be Anne boylan. let's see what else we got" she mudders before calling out Brailynn. I sit down with the rest of the people that already tried out, next to some emo ass 'I cut myself' kinda kid, Liam? I think his name is idk. I watch Brailynn from the audience and she sounds amazing. I sounds like she put her whole heart and soul into the song and she even hit all of the high notes. and when she was done even Mrs.Cisco was impressed. idk but I think it is safe to say Brailynn got the part.

{btw I will be changing the Melanie references to Penelope Scott (and other artists on occasion) due to the latest Melanie Martinez controversy (and 'cause Penelope does fit Jessiy more) since I feel it is kinda insensitive to have a potential sa'er be featured so prominently and there not be anything said since this book takes place before the allegations resurfaced, with love  - Lilac Livel} 

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