I sat down in my new seat "wow I never noticed Jessiy and Jacklynn had the same last name" the girl next to me states in awe. I tell her "yeah, we're twins". "no way! Jacklynn's too pretty to be related to someone like you!" she says assuming I was being sarcastic. "aww, thank you. I am very pretty!" Jacklynn states conceitedly. I swear to God Jacklynn is the most self absorbed person i've ever met. we used to be best friends but ever since she joined the Lynns(even when it was just a joke) she just thought she was better than everyone! that bitch is so superficial she eats a fuck ton of food makes herself throw up to "avoid gaining too much weight without looking like me" like you're only the "pretty one" compared to me! Brailynn is the "pretty one" in you friend group. I mean the only thing Jacklynn and I share is one last name (Marina ref) ...and a room... and some music taste
{sorry it's been a minute I was at my dads playing sptfbw until I fell asleep}

The foggy beach
Teen Fictiona 14 year old(8th grade) girl's book of random entries she wrote while dealing with her weird life.her name is Jessica Maurers (she goes by Jessiy) and she lives in the foggy part of california. she has a twin sister that she hated since she was 8 a...