Jacklynn and I are identical twins which means we're supposed to look the same, which is slightly true I guess:
-white as a ghost but tans during the sunny months
-Black wavy hair
-dark green eyes that light up in the sun
-tall but not the tallest
-naturally skinnier
But somehow she ended up being "the pretty one", the "smart one" or even "the cool one":
-skin clearer than porslin
-gets all As
-is well liked
-very nice clothes
-has a "body"
-Doesn't do drugs
-very bitchy
-can't admit she's wrong unless alone and even then it's rare
-think she's better
and I was just "the weird one" or "the drugged one":
-acne glore
-sleepy eyes
-smokes weed with Mari in the back of the bus
-only wears the same Penelope Scott shirt with a hoodie and sweat pants every day and night
-"Jessiy is so skinny she looks like a walking clothes hanger" -every one at my school
-best grade this year was that 80% in E.L.A
It doesn't bother me though. I have a lot more fun getting trashed than she does doing... whatever they do!

The foggy beach
Roman pour Adolescentsa 14 year old(8th grade) girl's book of random entries she wrote while dealing with her weird life.her name is Jessica Maurers (she goes by Jessiy) and she lives in the foggy part of california. she has a twin sister that she hated since she was 8 a...