''the pretty one''

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Jacklynn and I are identical twins which means we're supposed to look the same, which is slightly true I guess: 

-white as a ghost but tans during the sunny months 

-Black wavy hair

-dark green eyes that light up in the sun

-tall but not the tallest

-naturally skinnier

  But somehow she ended up being "the pretty one", the "smart one" or even "the cool one":

-skin clearer than porslin 

-gets all As

-is well liked

-very nice clothes

-has a "body"

-Doesn't do drugs

-very bitchy

-can't admit she's wrong unless alone and even then it's rare

-think she's better

and I was just "the weird one" or "the drugged one":

-acne glore 

-sleepy eyes

-smokes weed with Mari in the back of the bus

-only wears the same Penelope Scott shirt with a hoodie and sweat pants every day and night

-"Jessiy is so skinny she looks like a walking clothes hanger" -every one at my school

-best grade this year was that 80% in E.L.A

It doesn't bother me though. I have a lot more fun getting trashed than she does doing... whatever they do!

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