Everyone was gossiping about what just happened "I wonder what happens with them?" "woah..Maria likes the goofy autistic covid kid!" "I wanna ride Maria's titties" .Mrs.Biscotti didn't shit about any of this instead announced really loudly "SINCE KIRU AND MARIA LEFT, JACK YOU WILL BE RECEIVING A 100% SINCE YOU WERE HORSE PLAYING, JESSICA YOU WILL ONLY GET A 80%. KIRU AND MARIA WILL BOTH GET A 0%!!!". An 80?! that's the best grade I've had in E.L.A since fifth grade! I mean at the time i'm writing this I feel kinda bad but at the time I was really happy.

The foggy beach
Teen Fictiona 14 year old(8th grade) girl's book of random entries she wrote while dealing with her weird life.her name is Jessica Maurers (she goes by Jessiy) and she lives in the foggy part of california. she has a twin sister that she hated since she was 8 a...