Walking home

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As we are going home we decide to make our way to Mari's. she lives in a house across town so we all drop her off then Cate May and I head off to my apartment. It was then that I noticed something  "Cate May, are you sure you know how to get home from my building?" I ask. "It's a small town. I'm sure I can figure it out!" she replies "my mom doesn't like me bringing people near our house, she thinks they will murder us" "oh... ok... Are you sure? I don't want you getting lost" I say. "Jessiy I'm sure! i'll be fine ok?" We started nearing my apartment building and Cate May and I said our goodbyes. then I enter my building and go up the stairs and unlock the door and head to my side of my room I sit under my bed and watch YouTube while I wonder "what the fuck is up with Cate May's mom?!" 

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