Chapter 10 🍂

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Lisa's pov

We ended up in the ER after that. A group of doctors immediately checked on Roseanne on the stretcher and less than a moment later, the senior among the three figures in medical blue scrubs told me they had to call for an emergency caesarean.

I just said yes and no, I didn't have the faintest idea about what happened to her. She had already been on her back the moment I found her. They didn't react to that though.

I stood in the empty corridor. A distant tv noise infiltrated what was supposed to be a calm, eerie environment. I winched. I had always hated TV. So, I shuffled a bit more down the corridor until my feet paused.

Before me was a half - locked window. It faced a garden of flowers, stories below. Lighting up my cig, I narrowed my eyes to see if I could name any of the flowers lined up but then I gave up realising almost all of them were only perennials.

A nurse approached me. She wore light green scrubs and was almost my height. Her brownish hair was twisted in the typical hospital hairstyle. There was a stethoscope dangling from one of the pockets of her top.

"I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness but you are not allowed to smoke here," she made a vague gesture to the cig in between my fingers with her eyes, then offered me a pale ashtray.

"I'm sorry," I stubbed the cig out and pressed my lips together because it was at the very tip of my tongue to tell her to fuck off. "I didn't know," I lied. She gave me a formal knowing look, then excused herself.

"Bad time or good time?" I asked Suzy when she picked up the phone. Then, I heard the faint sound of her pouring something into her cup. I imagine it'd be Scotch. "Good time now that you've called and I'm hearing your voice," she said, then sipped the content down her throat.

"Well, Roseanne's in labour now," I tapped my finger nervously on the sil. "The doctor recommended emergency Caesarean and I said yes," I looked over my shoulder and realised Irene, my secretary had arrived.

"Ah, I'm so sorry for your loss, Lisa"

Suzy yawned. "Text me if you need any help regarding the arrangement for the funeral service. I might have known a couple of excellent hands in that area,"

I shut my eyes. "Suzy, please" my voice hosted worry as its main character. My fingers began their own dance routine on the sil.

"What is it, Lisa?" she asked. "Don't tell me that you've gone all soft for that bitch"

"My child,"

"Whose mother is the woman you barely love, Lisa. Get that fact straight to your brain"

"It doesn't matter," I shook my head. My eyes were travelling beyond the windowpane again and into the perennials. Then, a doctor came into sight. She was waiting for me to end the call so I told Suzy I had to go.

"Just remember this, Lisa. You're not in the marriage for anything. Not the blonde. Not the child. You are in it because her dad couldn't pay the debt he took from you," Suzy reminded, and before she said anything else, I terminated the call.

"Yes?" I tucked the phone inside my pocket. Then, my body fully facing the woman. She removed her facemask. "I'm your wife's surgeon for this surgery," she introduced herself. "Yes, I am aware," I locked my eyes on her. She looked reluctant for a second so my heart stopped beating.

I instantly remembered the last word I said to her; "You're going to die, apologise" then when the doctor straightened her back, I blinked and focused back in where this conversation was heading.

"So, there was a complication in this procedure,"

The doctor began. "Because we couldn't really identity what was going on with the mother, your partner when she arrived," the doctor paused, then found her own will back to speak,