Chapter 41 🪻

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Third person’s pov

“I don’t understand,”

Suzy paces back and forth before settling in front of the mirror overlooking the city from a distance.

“I don’t understand,” she says again, this time lifting the screen of her phone to display no single notification from Lisa.

“She’s supposed to come for me. She’s supposed to leave everything behind for my sake,”

“Maybe,” Jihyo steps into the moonbeam. Her longhair seemingly hanging on her back instead of up as a ponytail.

A thick coat wraps around her neck. “She doesn’t love you as much as you thought she did,”

“NO!” Suzy yells. Her eyes go wide filling the whole socket.

“NO!” she yells again, shaking her head terribly before tilting her head to notice Jihyo has already been staring.

“It’s not right to keep drugging the girls just because the mother won’t run after you,” the private secretary advises delicately.

“You don’t get to tell me what to do,” Suzy clenches her jaws as anger starts to boil deep within her.

Fisting her fingers around the small, pathetic device, Jihyo proceeds to mumble something that earns the woman a bloodshot glare from Suzy.

“Try do it, Jihyo” Suzy dares in a low, whisper - like tone. “And I swear to god, it’s not going to end well for you,”

“They are just kids, Suzy,” Jihyo pleads. “You can’t hold them responsible for every damage Lisa has caused you,”

“You don’t understand,” Suzy throws her tantrum. Her loud voice ricochets in the rickety house. “I LOVE HER! I LOVE HER! AND I WANT HER ALL FOR MYSELF!”

“Then,” Jihyo suppresses her anger as she fists her hands. “Go and deal with Lisa yourself. Don’t risk innocent lives,”

“Oh my,” Suzy turns her head to face Jihyo before laughing evilly. “Please don’t tell me that you’ve grown attached to them, Jihyo. That you’re now sympathising with them,”

“And what if” Jihyo takes a step closer. “What if you’re right? What if I say, I might have grown attached to them? What are you going to do?”

Suzy chews on her chapped lower lip. Then, she shakes her head and turns the device at hand into the pocket of her jeans.

“You’re going to die,” the woman says flatly, like it’s not the gravest thing in the world to say to someone.

“And I going to have your partner arrested again, longer this time so that the public will know what a despicable, money - slaved man that he is,”

“You’re crazy, Suzy”

Jihyo breathes out. “YOU’RE LITERALLY OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND,” the woman yells at the top of her lungs.

“I already knew that,” the woman says after a while.

“Tell me something I don’t know yet” and then the laughter intensifies.

“Did you manage to talk to her?”

Roseanne asks as soon as Harin is back in her sight.

“Did she tell you about the girls?”

“She did,” Harin locks her eyes with the blonde for a second before pressing her lips into one straight line.

“And we’re trying to locate a person she suspects only because it’s the same person that has been harassing her for months now” the woman sighs.