Chapter 25

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Lisa's pov

I am not sure what the hell is wrong with me but there is definitely something wrong. It has been a week since the feud and none of us has violated the silemce yet.

Which is not the usual circumstance, you see. A normal Roseanne would always crumble after two days of silent treatment. She'd show up at my doorstep with teary - eyed and tip of her nose red as Rudolph's. She'd be rambling with thousands of apologies, begging me to take her in.

But this new Roseanne? It's just different. I start to think that she can go on and on forever like this. Putting me on her muted list. Ignore me as if I don't exist. As if she forgot that she's married to me. As if she has forfeited her own right as the future queen consort of South Korea.

I am not sure if I will like this new Roseanne or even love her. Though when I think again about this part of Roseanne, that she is still in the end, half of the woman I love, it's still feel weird.

I want the old Roseanne back if it's even possible.

"Your Royal Highness,"

The stylist's voice brings me back to thus exact moment, putting all of my tangled thoughts about Roseanne and her whereabout on pause.

"Yes," my chest rises upward as I inhale and deflate soon after I exhale. "What is it?" I ask, checking my own reflection in the mirror. The stylist presses her lips together.

Then, she turns sideway before facing me again with a tray holding a bowtie and two decoratives pins; one a rose, another a blue butterfly.

"I heard the rumour,"

She narrates as I pick the bowtie and do it myself.

"That you don't let anyone does it to you," she points to the bowtie around my neck with her chin. "Unless it's Her Royal Highness The Lady Roseanne,"

"Well, the first rule here," I fix the bowtie for the last time and when it's all perfect, turns to another stylist who has been ready holding my jacket. "Is that one really shouldn't listen to gossips or whatever that may be,"

"I... I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness,"

The new face stutters. Than, the man who is still holding my jacket adds to her rescue, "My deepest apology, Your Royal Highness. She is still new,"


I tuck my right arm first, then my left one before pulling the jacket to my body, assuring it ligns up perfectly.

"By the way, the rumor is right,"

I breathe out, reaching for the rose pin first and tuck it on my right lapel. Many people think it symbolises the house I am in. But it simply resembles Roseanne, the woman I am married. And the blue butterfly pin goes a little bit underneath the rose. It resembles my Ji-Ae.

"I do think once you are married, you reserve a few tasks to your wife, so that she won't feel left out,"

"I see, Your Royal Highness,"

The new face says. "How do I look?"

I ask both of them. "Imppeccable,"

Both of them say. Then, Jihyo steps in to announce that the car is already here for me.

"Did you manage to send the letter to her office this morning?"

I ask as we exit the room in unison. But Jihyo carefully lets me taking the precedent in the step afterwards.

"I did. They returned the letter back with no attached answer,"


"I did ask for further clarification,"