Chapter 50 🌱

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Third person's pov

"Do you think ..." Roseanne says as she turns the airfryer off and tosses a pile of chicken nuggets into one plate. "Harin seems a bit off to you these days?" she asks, taking a seat in her kitchen opposite from a visiting Jennie.

The woman pauses from scrolling through her Tik Tok feeds. "Harin?" Jennie repeats the name as Roseanne bites into one of the nuggets. "Harin as in Harin Kim?" Jennie guesses again and Roseanne nods. "Yes, that Harin, Jen"

"Well," Jennie tosses her phone into the bag. "I don't know shit about Harin honestly. She's always been so devilishly cold that we barely exchange any words growing up," she utters, her hand grabbing one of the nuggets and pops it into her mouth. "Anyway, why did you ask?"

"Nothing," Roseanne shakes her head. Her hand is a little oily from the nugget she ate so she rises from her seat towards the cabinet and pulls a paper napkin. "It's just, she's a really good friend of mine, Jennie and lately, I think she's been avoiding me at all cost,"

"She's probably just jealous," Jennie grabs the second nugget. "Jealous of what?" It's Roseanne's turn to be baffled. "Oh god," Jennie exclaims, a sudden smirk on her face and Roseanne isn't sure if she likes that look on the petite Korean. "You really have no idea, don't you?"

A wave of uncertainty hits Roseanne and she immediately hates it. Biting her inner cheek, she shrugs. Roseanne hates being the last to know about a thing everyone has already known.

"You can tell me," she suggests but instead of complying with that request, Jennie decides to tease her by smirking brighter and declining that request.

"Nice try, Park. But there wouldn't be any fun in that,"

"Oh please, you know I hate guessing,"

"Exactly! That's why telling you would be no fun at all. I like setting you on fire, Rosie,"


The blonde locks her eyes with Jennie who finds that scary so she finally gives in. "You're no fun at all," the woman adds and Roseanne has to agree for the sake of obtaining the secret. "Yes, you're right so what is it that I'm not aware of?"

"Flash news, Roseanne Park - Manoban," Jennie pops another nugget into her mouth. "Her Grace Harin Kim loves you. She's in love with you. Might as well be the longest person to be in love with you but can't have you,"

That news ... is certainly not what Roseanne was expecting at all. Pressing her lips together in a completely awkward situation, the blonde finds herself sweating. Her heart beats faster, her jaws tense.

"You..." Roseanne stutters. Her eyes are all over the place. "No," she shakes her head. Shutting her eyes, she finds her courage, even the smallest drop of it. "You're joking right? She can't be liking me,"

"Love, Roseanne" Jennie chides. "You can say that word, you know" her eyes fall to the shiny ring around Roseanne's ring finger. "Just because you're married to someone, doesn't mean saying that word out loud for someone else is wrong,"

"Of course it is," Roseanne chews on her lower lip quietly. "I'm just starting out again with Lisa, Jennie and there's no other way I'd ruin what we have for something ..." she looks like she's in trouble to find the right word when Jennie butts in to supply, "Ephemeral?"

"Yes, thank you"

"I don't think there's anything ephemeral about that kind of love, you know, just to say" Jennie says. Her fingers curl around the mug for a better warmth from the hot tea brewing inside.

"I mean, if she's been loving you since the very beginning and refuses to give up on that, she's a keeper, a real one I dare to say,"
