Chapter 32🪻

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Lisa's pov

I stare at the pictures in my hands repeatedly. Every time I stare at them, a new theory develops. This can't be true. My wife can't be cheating on me and that too, even if she does, there is no way in hell she'd be with Harin, my loser of a cousin.

I grit my teeth as I rise to my feet; walking back and forth in my office; waiting patiently as I can for a reply from her office.

Earlier today after I had gotten those images on hand, I made a request for a private audience with her. Until now, I haven't received any updates yet let alone a reply.

My chest grows tight with every minute that passes by in uncertainty. Slowly, I console myself to walk towards the window and glance at the green, empty lawn.

It's just a matter of minutes, I tell myself before the palace summons me for an audience with my mother, the queen.

And if Roseanne's explanation is not received before that, I am not sure I will still have the strength to protect her again.

"Your Royal Highness," someone steps into my office, knocks on the door and protocol - wise, hands me a reply with Roseanne's insignia printed on its back.

"We have just received a reply from Her Royal Highness, The Lady Roseanne Park's office regarding your audience request this morning,"

"Yes," I pause from taking another step. My pocket watch in hand ticks anxiously, just like the beating of my heart. "What did they say? You can read it for me, heaven knows that's your job" I narrow my eyes at the man.

"Very well," he simply says, holding the envelope in his hand before carefully tearing the upper corner of the white envelope and pulling out a crispy cream folded paper. His beady eyes scan the content but his mouth says nothing. I breathe out uneasiness.

"What.Did.They.Say" I ask again with every dangerous pause in my sentence. The man gulps with fear. Irritate, I light up a Chesterfield and inhale the smoke into my lungs.

"My apology, Your Royal Highness..."

"Oh, for fuck's sake, just read from it will you?"

"Very well,"

He blinks his eyes, drawing in some fresh air.

"At 9 a.m. sharp today, Her Royal Highness The Lady Roseanne Park's office has received an unforeseen call for a private audience from the Lord Protector's office; preferably today.

While Her Royal Highness The Lady Roseanne Park would like to grant it with much enthusiasm and respect for the Lord Protector herself, however with careful consideration of Her Royal Highness' recent schedule in Paris, therefore this private audience will not be put through.

Her office will however keep updating available dates for upcoming private audiences, should there be any. Again..."

Oh, please. Pure bullshit.

"Get me the car,"

I tuck the images into my jacket. Then, throw the fag - end into the dustbin. "I will drive to see her myself,"

"But..." the man stutters. "I believe her office has rejected your request," he meticulously reminds me.

"Maybe, give it a day or two for her to recover first if she must, before you make another request, of course"

"There's no point in that," I clench my jaw while walking past him. "This is only Roseanne's trick to avoid me. If she thinks I wouldn't know, then she's gravely wrong,"


"Roseanne fucking Park,"

I announce as I step into her room. Her secretary is three steps behind me. Gasping for air I bet. Her ladies - in - waiting look at me before hanging their heads low.