Chapter 44 🪻

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Three months later | Third person's  pov

Roseanne stands in the garden of her own. It used to be the haunted cemetery for her unfortunate flowers who lost their lives to a recluse master.

But now, it's alive and full of wonderful things; of flowers in different hues, of tiny little trees growing up healthily, of poking grass tickling under her bare feet.

Her smile keeps growing every time she catches a few roses dancing to the breeze or any other perennials from her wedding bouquet.

Harin must have them planted here; the blonde thinks because there's no way they would magically be transported from the house that is no longer theirs.

Yes, no longer theirs.

The revolution had hit every place in the country hard that the government was entirely paralysed with the Prime Minister forced to resign.

Without its number one support, the Royal Family succumbed to its fate, no less than 24 hours. The Queen mother was buried in a lowkey arrangement compared to its state - funded demand.

The queen? Well, the last thing Roseanne heard about her mother - in - law is that she's been under a special case of detainment by the new government.

Not that she cares or whatever, but the new government has been rigid with the process of returning their private possessions.

Especially those that belong to Lisa.

But the thing of being linked to Harin Kim is that you always get what you want, just like today, when the news hit Roseanne just perfect while she was having her breakfast; that the key to Lisa's former home has been retrieved and they only have until today's midnight to transport all of that matters from it.

"Yes, I've arranged for someone to pick all of her stuff," Harin informs. She sounds a little bit annoyed but Roseanne cares less about that.

The most important thing is that they have won their side of the battle; the acquisition of Lisa's valuable items from the former house and that's the only positive thing she will keep herself focused on today.



The blonde says as she steps into the nursery where her two daughters are. Grabbing a purple Squishmallow from a freshly installed rack, she joins them on the bed.

But the girls don't look that welcoming. Instead, Ji-Ae scoots closer to Ji-Eun, a glimpse of worry crawls on her face. Her trembling fingers confirm Roseanne's thought.

"It's okay," the woman consoles. Her voice is thin like a whisper while toying the purple thing in her lap. "Mommy just wants to play with you guys," she echoes, with a hope they would say yes. But again, all she receives is a firm no.

"We don't want to play with you," the younger sibling, Ji-Eun says. She has Lisa's way of speaking. Every word sounds equally important. It's surprising that she's only 6 - year - old.

Roseanne draws a deep breath. Her lungs expand, filling every crook with the oxygen they desperately need. But one thing she can't hide is the ringing pain in her heart.

They are her children for god's sake yet they are refusing her too. Jennie has told her when the kids were retrieved from the hospital, 3 months earlier, that it will take some time for them to warm up to her.

But it seems like they will never ever talk to her. Or accept her into their little circle.

It's exhausting, the blonde must say, and she can't help but to wish Lisa would be here to help her sort things out. "So," the blonde tries again, an easy smile all over her face as she speaks.

"What do you think we can do today? Do you want to go out and buy more toys? I can ask Harin to drive us there, you know. Or I can drive us there too. We can buy more toys and eat ice cream and do whatever you want to do,"

"We just want mama," Ji-Ae shuts all of Roseanne's suggestions in a weary tone. She might be blind but her expression is literally on point. The tip of her nose is as red as Rudolph's; a side effect of fresh crying.

Her chubby cheeks are stained with dry tears. Ji-Eun says nothing as she continues to chew from a snack she has smuggled into the room. Her tiny little feet are covered in bright red socks with Grinch printed all over it.

Roseanne wishes she had her mother with her right now. The woman obviously will know just what to do to solve this issue. She would, Roseanne believes, because she was literally a better mom than Roseanne is.

A small pat on the shoulder catches Roseanne's attention. She tilts her head to the left, meeting her youngest's eyes.

"Come with me?"

The toddler asks and it takes Roseanne a moment to say yes. She follows the kid outside the room, leaving Ji-Ae on the bed alone as she sulks.

"You know unnie doesn't like you," the first word comes and Roseanne nods her head, acknowledging the fact.

"Of course," she sounds disappointed with herself too. "I think you don't like me too,"

"Yes," the kid looks at Roseanne and the woman feels a pang of slap to the face. Yep, this kid totally is Lisa's daughter.

"I don't like you too but that doesn't mean I hate you. It's just I don't like you. Mama would say that is very subjective,"

"Everything is subjective to your mama,"

"Because mama is smart"

"And mommy is not?"

"I don't know. What do you think?"

"I do think you are a lot like your mama,"

Roseanne says dryly. Hands on her hips before dropping to her sides. "You know, I just want to be friends. If you can be friends with mama, then probably you can be friends with me too. I'm twice more fun than her, you know,"

Ji-Eun stares at her mommy, not saying a word. Roseanne sighs again. This kid is literally giving her Lisa's vibe in everything she does. Including that signature glaring. "I'm sorry," the blonde apologises. "I ramble a lot when I'm nervous,"

"That's what mama said,"


"She said you whine a lot than getting things done"

"That's not true,"

Roseanne pouts, frowning. "I don't whine when things go wrong... I mean, I lament about it but it's ... it's ... you know what, maybe we shouldn't talk about it. You're only 6 years old,"

"But I'm very smart," Ji-Eun protests. "Mama said I'm the brightest kid she has ever met,"

"Of course she would say that," Roseanne says mockingly. Then, she bends her height halfway through as she taps her daughter's head. "You know what's the biggest red - flag about your mama? That she adores herself more than others,"

"Are you saying she's an exquisitely vain, narcissistic person you've ever met?"

"I thought you said you're only 6 - year old,"

"The smart one,"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Let's go inside before Ji-Ae notices we're gone and she's going to cry again,"

"Ji-Ae is blind. Not stupid. She knows we're not in the room with her. If she cries, it's only because she misses her eyes,"

"Her eyes?" Roseanne arches her eyebrows. Her head is tilted just right to face her daughter in return. The 6 - year - old nods her head.

"Yeah," she frowns the familiar Lisa's frown. "Mama is her eyes. Always has been. Always will be,"