Chapter 42 🪻

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Chapter 43 | Third person’s pov 

The lightning strikes again. This time, it burns another tree at the city square, spreading panic in civilians rushing to get home.

Some of them fall; tripping over each other’s legs; stimulating a domino effect. Another thunder roars; and everyone plunges their fingers into their ears; fearing for their lives when slowly, the tiny, tear - shaped raindrop starts to fall. 


Lisa wakes up alone in her private town house with deafening thunder echoes from above. She shoots her eyes open lazily, noticing the way her curtain being blown all the way to the other side of the window; revealing a completely pitched - black sky with flickers of lightning sometimes casting an eerie torch over the dark, empty road. 

Behind her and from the shelf over the nightstand, Hello from Lionel Richie croons from a black wireless. Lisa shuts her eyes, gulping nothing into her throat.

The song is one of Roseanne’s many favourites and listening to it every time reminds Lisa just how much she misses her wife. 

A loud thunder roars again. This time, it rattles everything inside the house, including the very foundation of it.

Lisa opens her eyes, feeling the bed slightly moved and some light debris from the ceiling to fall on her face.

The wireless continues to croon regardless through the second chorus when it is rudely interrupted by an unforeseen announcement. 

“The SKBC is interrupting its normal programs,” the announcer says and Lisa’s ears perk at that cautiously. The last time she heard something like that was when her grandmother died a few days ago. What else could be happening now? 

“To bring forward this important announcement,” the announcer pauses. “The Meteorological Department of South Korea has issued another warning regarding Typhoon Dani, 36 hours after the first warning was issued,” 

“The Typhoon was expected to cross the strait from its origin city, Fukuoka in Japan and passed through Busan city before dissolving. However, a recent check this morning from the satellite has shown that the path has been rerouted with the typhoon heading to Seoul at 180 kilometres per hour, an increase from 130 kilometres per hour yesterday"

"The Typhoon is expected to reach its zenith at 220 kilometres per hour as weather continues to deteriorate. Heavy rainfall is expected to intensify along with frequent lightning and thunder,” 

“Given the severity of this storm, the government has declared a state of emergency, mandating the immediate halt of all institutions and businesses across the city. All airport operations will be ceased until further notice is given. Stranded passengers at airports will be accommodated to nearby hotels in safe locations"

"Civilians are advised to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel. Avoid water - based activity at this time as it will reduce the risk of being electrocuted during the storm and resume only when the weather improves,” 


“Your Royal Highness” 

Lisa picks up the call and Jihyo’s familiar voice rings. “Jihyo,” she says. One hand travels through her messy hair.

“What brings you to give me a call?” Lisa asks. “If it’s about my grandmother’s funeral, I have made it clear to you that I’m not attending it,” 

“No,” the woman hurries to cut Lisa’s statement. “It’s not about that,” she emphasises, her voice trembling slightly, as if she’s in pain.