Chapter 29

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I sit next to Harin at her table. There are few others joining us. I guess they are quite important faces in this auction, judging by the way Harin interacts with them.

“You okay?” she asks me as she pauses the conversation with her partners. “I’m fine,” I run my hand up and down my skeletal arm.

With less fat covering my actual muscle, I tend to lose heat easily, especially in a fully air - conditioned place like this.

“Are you cold?” Harin arches her eyebrow and I nod, slightly embarrassed again by the fact that she is so attentive and I’m not used to it.

“Please don’t take your jacket off because of me,” I say before she does anything. Harin pops a smackable grin across her pretty face.

“Who says anything about taking my jacket off for your sake?” she props her chin on her palm. “Honestly, you’re reading too much into this,” she adds while watching the tips of my ears slowly blushing.

I can even feel the heat radiating from this conversation alone. “I’m kidding, relax” Harin laughs softly. Then, she takes her jacket off and rests them on my frame.

“You can have it,”

“I can’t” I deny despite the inviting warmth of the garment almost makes me say something else like a thanks.

“You need it, Harin. You can’t look less formal than anyone else here. It’s an enormous, vital event,” I remind her but she shrugs it off like it’s nothing.

“You don’t have to worry about me. The crowd always loves me in anything. Bet they will turn a blind eye on this one,” she points to her garment and I sigh.

I have somehow figured out in the short time that we have spent together; you can’t really talk Harin into not doing something when she wants to do it.

“And as to officiate this remarkable event,” the MC starts, her voice echoes in the mic.

“May I call o the stage, one of our benefactors who has been with us for the longest time ever, stepping into the shoes of her late mother. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Her Grace, Harin Kim”

Harin rises to her feet, trades me a small smile before walking up the stage.

“Everyone,” her energetic voice echoes. She is still very much maintaining the posh way of speaking like the Royal Family. However, her voice sounds much more lively than theirs.

“I am sure that every one of you knows why we have gathered here tonight,” she smiles.

“A few years ago, my mother told me while we were in our Paris home; that art is something that will eventually save humanity. I was baffled back then as to what extent of her belief was the truth.

Then, she passed away until recently, a member of our board directors, fueled by the willingness to help lift the Child Famine in the Middle East, has brilliantly suggested for us to do an auction to raise money for the cause.

I am glad to say, my mother’s up there in heaven, or wherever we all can be after death, is probably smiling to know her daughter she thought up to not interest in arts, finally accept the call she had been spending years avoiding - and that is to be part of the art benefactor and help spread kindness around to humanity,”

A round of deafening applause, including me, roars in the room.

“That is why, my biggest wish for tonight's that we can reach the target we have set and therefore help lift the unfortunate famine that has been plaguing innocent children in the Middle East,” she scans the crowd before her, then draws a deep breath.