part 19: where are you staying?

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We walk over to the couch in his massive ass house and he hands me a glass of bourbun, "You look like you need It."

I grab the glass from himand sigh, "Thanks, me and JJ got into a predicament so." I stop talking and look at him.

"Me and JJ were together." I say because he looks confused look down and he chuckles

"Yeah I could tell by the way he told me to never touch his girlfriend." I look over at him shocked "Wait when did he say that to you?"

"After the whole bonfire thing, also did you say were?" "Yeah we basically ended things because he kissesed one of my best friend so," "Damn."

We both laugh and he rests his hand on my shoulder. "Just know I would never do that to you." I laugh again and scoot closer to Rafe.

"I really don't think you would, but my brother would flip the fuck out so," I look at him and he's already starring at me.

"So your brother allows you to date, no, hook up with his best friend. I don't kmow Bea." "Well technically he doesn't know."

"So your brother doesn't know you and him are together, wow shocker." He chuckles and so do I "What if it was me. How would it be different?"

I look between him and my drink which I haven't drank out of and I chug the drink before answering him.

"I guess It wouldn't be too different besides the fact that your a-" I stop talking and he takes my cup to refill it.

"I'm a what Bea? Hot ass rich kook with nice ass hair?" "No, well yes but only the rich kook part." He sighs and hands me a new drink.

"So because I'm a kook I cant even kiss you." I look at him and scoff "Well I didn't say you couldn't kiss me just we couldn't go out you know."

I look back up from my drink and Rafe grabs my face and pushes his lips into mine. He pulls away and catches his breath.

"Um, sorry that was really upfront you ju-" I stop his talking by kissing him, hard, fast. like I need it, because I did.

While were making out I shift my body and he lifts me on top of him. his hands run under my shirt, up and down my back and then to my waist. 

He moves my hips along with his and then grabs at my shirt again and I let him slide it over my head, I do the same to his shirt and he stops kissing me.

"What did you not want to or." he answers quickly "No believe me I want to Bea but, are you sure about this, I mean you and JJ and all?"

I nod and he smiles, kissing me again. We end up moving to the bedroom and he lays me on the bed with him on top.

He removes his shorts and boxer while I remove all of my clothing. He grabs a condom out of the drawer and starts to put it on

"Uh, I'm on the pill just so you know." "Oh, cool" He throws the condom on the floor and we end up going at it for a good hour.

After we're both done we lay in bed for a while and cuddle. "Hey can I stay the night, I don't want to go home right now."

He turns my face and kisses me. "Of course Bea, my house is yours. But let me take you out tomorrow. If we stay on figure eight John b won't find out."

I turn my whole body and sigh. "You know what yeah, I need to go out with someone. Thanks" I turn back around and we cuddle until we both fall asleep.


The next morning me and Rafe hop in the shower and when Sarah comes home I ask to borrow clothes.

Me and Sarah sit on the balcony while Rafe gets ready, "So, John b is worried about you. He noticed in the morning that you weren't there."

"Yeah Ill call him later, I'll be home later so he shouldn't worry to much. don't tell him about this please."

"Sure but you should talk to JJ about what happened. Kie told me what happened last night. Me and John b are deep sleepers."

I sigh in relief that he didn't find out about JJ and I. "I just don't know why he would do that to me you know. It's shitty"

"Yeah he told me that he thought it was you but I don't know you know him better so."

"Yeah he told me the same thing but I just couldnt believe him you know." Sarah shrugs and looks at Rafe as he walks out of the house to us.

I get up and walk over to him, "Hey you ready, I'm so excited." "Yeah lets head out. Bye Sarah"

"Bye guys, be good." We all chuckle as Rafe takes my hand in his and we walk to his car. "So where are we going?"

He buckles his seatbelt and starts the car, "You'll see." We drive for about ten minutes until we pull into a brunch spot.

"Oh my gosh we had one of these in New York but I never went." I turn around and hug him. "Let's go in."

We walk into the restaurant hand in hand laughing and talking. We sit at a secluded table in the back and we order our food.

"Mhm, this is good. How did you know about this spot?" He bites his food and then moves his fork as he speaks.

"My mom and dad took me here when they told me they were getting divorced." I choked on my food.

He rubs my back as I drink water to get the food down, "Sorry, I didn't know your parents were divorced. Um why?"

"My dad cheated on my mom with Rose, my stepmom, and then he left my mom when Rose found out she was pregnant."

I think about how different this date is from me and JJs date. I mean me and JJ had fun but we didn't talk as much. Me and Rafe have really good conversation. 


After our date we head back to the house and we laugh all the way there. When we pull up we don't get out of the car.

Rafe turns to me and kisses me, "I had a lot of fun today, so thanks for that." I kiss him back and rub his shoulder.

"Yeah, we should do this again sometime. If you want to?" He chuckles and unbuckles his seatbelt.

"Yeah we should, your cool Bea. I like you." "Thanks Rafe, your cool too." We start to get out of the car but Sarah stops us.

"I need you to drop me off at John bs house if that's ok." Sarah gets in the car and buckles her seatbelt. Rafe looks over to me

"Can you give me a ride too? John b is probably worried and I forgot to call him to let him know that I would come home today." 

Rafe nods and we get back in the car to drive off. When we pull into the driveway everyone's on the porch.

I look at JJ and I can only picture JJ kissing kie. Rafe breaks me out of my trance by talking to me.

"Hey. So Im guess you don't want me to kiss you goodbye?" I look from him to JJ and don't see my brother anywhere so he must be inside.

JJ might flip the fuck out and tell John b but I have to make him jealous. I unbuckle my seatbelt and lean over to Rafes side and kiss him deeply on the lips.

I thank him for today and then I hurry to get out of the car. When I shut the door I see John b walking towards me and Rafe who's sitting in the car.

Rafe drives off once Sarah gets out of the car and John b doesn't even worry about Rafe. He walks over to me and scoffs.

My breath catches because he must of saw that. "I thought you said you didn't sleep with him, so you're a liar?" 

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now