Chapter 6: The Apple Doesn't Fall Far

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The alarm clock on my phone sounds and I let out a groan before reaching over my nightstand and fumbling over the touch screen functions in order to turn the alarm off. I set the phone back down and wrapped my arms around Angel's shoulders and start kissing him on the cheek, "good morning, beautiful." "It's time to get up."

He lets out a moan and muttered only half awake, "Mmm... morning breath..."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "I know but I'm trying to wake you up." "We have group therapy downstairs today."

He sits up in bed and stretches his arms up to the ceiling while also using one of his free hands to rub his eyes, "ugh... that's today?"

"Mmm, hmm," I say climbing out of bed and offering a hand out to Angel. He takes it and then I pull him up to his feet and lead him to the bathroom holding his hand.

A few minutes have passed and we headed downstairs to grab some breakfast before meeting everyone in the lobby. Angel simply grabbed a blueberry muffin and a coffee and started walking to lobby, "I'll save you a seat, Caro."

I looked over my shoulder at him, "okay, I'll be out there in a minute."

Unlike Angel, I was starving so I grabbed some bacon, sausage, toast and some eggs before walking over and grabbing a cup of coffee. I walk out to the lobby and set my food and drink down on the table before taking my spot on the couch next to Angel.

Before taking a bite out of my bacon, I looked up and around the room and noticed that we had three new residents at the hotel with us. One of the more obvious residents being my son, Demetrius. He was sitting on another couch by himself as far away from the group as he could possibly get. He had his arms crossed across his chest and had his feet up on the coffee table in front of him and had one crossed over the other. I was tempted to ask him to ask him to take his feet off of the table but ultimately decided against it since I was still nervous to talk to him.

"The fuck you staring at, old man?!"

'Shit he noticed me looking at him,' I thought to myself. "Uh, um... nothing," I said stumbling over my words a bit.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed at me before looking off to the side. I flattened my ears and dropped my wings down to my sides.

Angel placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me reassuringly. I gave him a small smile back before going back to eating my breakfast. I looked over the room again and recognized the other two new residents from somewhere. I first looked up at the purple winged dog demon. She was dressed in pink and black and had blue eyes. She was scrolling through her phone when I cleared my throat, "um, miss... don't I know you from somewhere?"

She looks up and squints her eyes at me for a second, "oh shit, Mr. Husk is that you?!"

I nodded my head taking another bite of bacon.

"Yeah, I remember you, I was the one that helped you to pick an engagement ring for your boyfriend."

I smiled, "Ahh yes! I knew, I knew you from somewhere!"

Angel looks over to her, "wow, what a small world it is down here."

She smiled warmly, "I'll say, I didn't know that you guys were seeking redemption."

Angel takes one of my hands and smiles at me before turning back to face her, "you have wonderful taste in jewelry, doll face."

She blushes slightly which strangely enough seemed to catch Demetrius's attention as I noticed him looking at her with dilated pupils. I looked away quickly so he wouldn't notice me looking at him again.

Forever and For Always - A Huskerdust FanFiction SequelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant