Chapter 13: Easedropping

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I had just finished checking up on Demetrius and had walked back into the waiting room with Husk sitting next to Jessie.

I went over and shook her gently, "Hey Jessie, honey?" "Demetrius is awake if you want to go see him."

She lets out a yawn and stretches her arms and wings out to the side. She gets up and walks around the corner towards Demetrius's room.

I looked up and kind of stared off a bit, 'I know there's something going on between these two but, I wonder what...' I pondered to myself.

"Babe... what are you thinking about?" Husk asked me raising an eyebrow and smirking.

I try to think of an excuse to go ease drop on their conversation so that I can get some answers. "I uh, I gotta go to the bathroom," I say as I stand up to go leave but Husk grabs my hand and spins me around to face him before standing up and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Anthony Deluci." "I know that face and I know you're up to something mischievous."

I blushed bright pink and scratched the back of my head, "so what if I am?"

Husk chuckles and kisses my lips before pressing his forehead into mine, "you're so damn cute, you know that?"

I felt my cheeks burning again. "Hmm... I try."

He puts his hand up to my cheek and smiles softly up at me. "Seriously though, what are you up to?"

I let out a sigh knowing that he's not going to let it go any time soon, "I was going to be nosy and ease drop on Jessie and Demetrius."

He opens his eyes and chuckles, "I knew it!" "You are so naughty, you know that?"

I raised my eyebrow and wrapped my arms around his neck, "how's that being naughty?"

He rolls his eyes and chuckles, "Angel, you're not supposed to ease drop on other people's conversations." "It's rude."

I rolled my eyes and give a pouty face, "oh come on, Husky!" "You can't tell me that you aren't the slightest bit curious about what's going on between those two."

Husk sits back down on his chair, "well, I know Demetrius has a crush on Jessie."

I gushed and exclaimed, "oh my gosh, really!?"

Husk shushes me and gestures for me to sit next to him.

I let out a groan but ultimately comply. "Husky!" "Now I REALLY want to know what they're talking about, can I pretty please with sugar on top go ease drop on their conversation?" I asked him giving my most adorable pleading anime eyes.

He huffs and rolls his eyes before grinning, "ugh, okay fine." "But don't get caught."

"Yay!" I exclaimed excitedly before giving Husk a huge kiss on the cheek.

He chuckles in response and I turn around the corner and start making my way towards Demetrius's room. I crept up to the door and noticed that it just so happened to be cracked open. 'I guess Jessie was too tired to make sure the door was closed all the way,' I thought to myself as I squatted down close to the door be sure to hide from their sight. At first all I could hear was laughter coming from Demetrius.

"Hey, what's so funny about that?" Jessie asked curiously.

Demetrius answers chuckling, "no, it's just— it's hilarious that you think you're so tough." "It's like watching a chihuahua trying to take on a pitbull."

"Hey!" "I'm actually A LOT tougher than I look," she says sounding like she's pouting.

He chuckles, "okay sure, if you say so, Princess."

"I'm not a princess," she says sounding annoyed. "Besides, I carried your heavy ass back here, that's got to count for something, right?"

"Yeah except you're a lot taller than I am and well a bit stalkier."

She gasps, "oh my gosh did you just call me fat."

He begins to sound panicked, "uh, no, no that's not what I meant." "I just meant—"

"Hey, it's all good, Romeo." "Is this how you normally talk with all the ladies?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "eh... actually it's a bit of an off day for me, normally my games a lot better than this."

She chuckles, "well game is a bit clumsy but..." she says leaning in close to him making him lean away and off to the side, "it's still adorable."

He lets out a gulp and blushes bright red. Amused by this reaction, she gets up to walk out, "well, I'm gonna go now." "I gotta go check on my shop and make sure my employees locked everything up before they left." "One of them forgot to lock up once before and over half of our inventory was stolen which is really something you don't want especially if you're selling expensive jewelry."

"Uh, yeah I uh, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then?"

She smiles and continues walking towards the door. I scrambled to my feet real quick and brushed myself off before running back to the waiting room and sitting next to Husk, panting. I looked over and saw that he was wearing his reading glasses and reading a magazine. "So, did you have fun?"

I made an effort to try and slow down my breathing and nodded my head, "yeah." "They're totally smitten with each other."

Husk closes his magazine and places it on top of the table, "hmm... you'll have to tell me more about that later when we get home."

I leaned over and kissed him on the lips just before Jessie showed up in the waiting room.

"Hi guys!" "I gotta head off to check on my jewelry shop and make sure everything's locked up for today."

"Can you guys text me if anything changes with Demetrius?"

We both nodded our heads, "of course, doll face, now you go ahead and do what you gotta do." I said to her smiling.

She smiles back at me before she turns and walks out. I stand up to my feet.

"I'm going to go grab something from the cafeteria for Demetrius and I to eat until the nurses bring him up his food." "Do you want me to get you something?"

Husk shakes his head, "I'll wait until we leave the hospital for the day."

I nodded my head and pecked him on the lips before walking toward the cafeteria. When I get there I grab some chocolate pudding, some potato chips and some apples.

I purchased the food at the cash register and took my things upstairs. I get up to the waiting room where Husk is sitting and give him an apple, a pudding cup, potato chips and a spoon.

"Angel, what's all of this?"

I grinned, "I already know that you said you weren't hungry but you haven't eaten anything all day so you need to eat at least a little bit to hold you over until dinner."

He sets the food aside on the table and wraps his arms around me and kisses me sweetly on the lips.

"Thank you, baby for taking care of me and my son."

I smiled, "hey, he may have died at the same age as me but I'm still older than him since I was born twenty-five years earlier." "He smiled and I kissed him on the lips before getting up to leave for Demetrius's room."

Forever and For Always - A Huskerdust FanFiction SequelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant