Chapter 9: Stand By Your Man

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I laid in bed that afternoon wrapped in Husk's arms. He was purring lovingly while nuzzling his snout into my neck. "Husky?"

"Hmm," he asked leaning his head against my cheek.

"Are we still going to check out wedding planners in the city?"

He takes one of his hands and caresses my arm, "well we can, but there's something I've got to take care of first."

I propped my head up with my hand and looked down into his golden gaze, "what's up, Baby?"

He lets out a sigh, "as much as I really don't want to, I should probably talk to Demetrius." "You're right, it's only a matter of time before he finds out anyways." "I don't think I can do this alone though."

He looks up to me and grins at me in a handsome boyish manner and takes my hand in his, "will you be by my side when I tell him?"

I smile and brush my nose against his making him chuckle, "of course, baby I always stand by my man." I lean down and kiss his lips and he sighs holding the sides of my face.

"Okay, now let's go before we end up fucking again."

I raised my eyebrows feeling giddy, "ooo..."

He laughs and jumps up out of bed, "alright, get over here you dork."

I giggle and take his hand and walk with him towards our closets.
We went downstairs to look for Demetrius and eventually find him standing behind the bar making drinks for everyone at the hotel. We approached the bar and everyone was staring at us. Demetrius was completely cheesing, Vaggie looked disgusted, Charlie looked like she was going to be sick, Jessie and Carlton both concocted excuses to leave the room and Gracie and Dr. Frankenstein looked like they were suffering from second hand embarrassment.

Demetrius grinned at us slyly, "you guys have fun?"

"What do you mean," Husk asked putting his hand behind his head awkwardly.

Demetrius leans forward on the bar, "uh, yeah... so we all could hear you guys getting it on upstairs so, everyone had decided to get drunk in order to cope."

Husk and I looked down at our sides and both of us scratched at the back of our heads before blushing bright red. "Uhh.... Yeah... sorry 'bout that guys, he, he," I said laughing awkwardly.

"Uh, yeah... sorry," Husk said muttering still bright red in the cheeks.

Demetrius shrugged his shoulders, "didn't bother me a damn bit."

"That's your guy's business not mine." He takes a swig from his bottle of whiskey.

I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts, "so uh, Demetrius, Husk and I actually wanted to talk to you in private for a second."

Demetrius immediately sets his bottle of booze down for a minute before throwing his hands up in the air, "hey if you guys are here to ask me for a three way bang session my answer is a hard no." "Although,... Mmm... I think I'd be down to try anything at least once."

That was the final nail in the coffin for Husk and he turned to the side and instantly vomits everything he had ate earlier. I throw my hand up to my face feeling exasperated for the first time ever. "Babydoll, first off I'm way too expensive for you and second I'm clearly taken," I say showing him my ring.

He leans in and squints at it and then shrugs his shoulders before drying off a glass, "eh, never stopped me before."

By this point Husk has heard way more than he ever cared to, "okay that's enough everyone else out!"

The other residents at the bar groan and muttered under their breath while walking away. As soon as everyone else is gone Demetrius rolls his eyes and takes a swig from his bottle and sets it down, "okay so what's all of this about?"

Husk and I take a seat at the bar and Husk begins to pull out his wallet, "you might want to sit down for this one, kid."

Demetrius raises an eyebrow and sits down in his chair. He's about to take another swig from his whiskey until Husk stops him, "you're gonna need something stronger than that, kid."

He raises an eyebrow, "wow that bad, huh?" He reaches down and grabs the bottle of Spirytus Rektyfikowany and pours a glass for both of us before taking a swig from the bottle himself.

Husk lets out a heavy sigh and pulls some old photos out of it and places them on the bar countertop before pushing them towards him, "do you see anyone that you recognize in these pictures?"

Demetrius raises an eyebrow at Husk before picking up the pictures and looking at them. As he looks closer at the photos his facial expression shifts from blithe to stunned.

He drops the photos back on the counter and backs away as though they're infested with a contagious disease, "what the fuck is this?" "Were you guys stalking around in my room?"

We both shake our heads and I reach over to hold Husk's hand. Husk looks over at me and then closes his eyes for a moment. I could tell that this was very painful for him and I felt bad that he had to go through it all.

"Neither of us went into your room." "That would be fucking creepy as hell." Husk places one of the pictures down and turns it around and points to a man in the picture who was holding a baby in one arm and holding a toddler by the hand, "this man is me, Jr."

Demetrius begins trembling uncontrollably and his voice starts cracking, "no. No you can't be!!" "You had to have stolen the pictures that the adoption agency gave me."

Husk shakes his head and sighs flattening his ears and dropping his wings, "I know that the adoption agency had some of these pictures because I was the one that gave it to them." "I know that this is really hard to take in but, but I'm your father." "Your birth father."

He stands up and backs up to the door to the bar and pushes it open completely. He attempts to hide his face with his hands before giving up completely and turning his back to us.

He starts muttering under his breath, "I'm too sober for this." "This isn't real, this isn't happening."

Husk and I stand up to go follow him. Husk drops his ears and places a hand on Demetrius's shoulder and speaks with a broken tone, "Junior, let me explain—"

"DON'T TOUCH ME AND STOP CALLING ME THAT!!" "YOU NEVER EARNED THE RIGHT TO CALL ME THAT!!" "You're a fucking drunken deadbeat!!" "A fucking loser!!" He laughed with a crazed look in his eyes, "It all makes SOOO much sense now!" "Why I'm such a fuck up!!" "Why my life was shit!!" "Why even my afterlife is shit!!" "It's all because I just 'had' to favor you, didn't I?" "Fuck, fuck, fuck!!"

Husk takes a step back with his ears flattened back and pointing downward.

Both Demetrius and Husk looked like a complete mess and were both crying their eyes out. Being the neutral party in all of this I wasn't sure what to do to help either one of them. Essentially, I was helpless.

Husk pleaded with him once more, "Demetrius, please just hear me out—"

"NO!" "I don't want to hear anything you have to say!!" "I fucking hate you!!" "I hate your fucking guts," he screams chucking his bottle at Husk who ducks out of the way.

Demetrius turns and storms out the door, "stay the fuck away from me, 'dad'!" "I don't fucking need you!!" "Well, I needed you then but you left me, so fuck you!"

The last thing we hear is the slamming of the door right before Husk collapses to his knees and sobs.

Forever and For Always - A Huskerdust FanFiction SequelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant