Chapter 30: Making Amends

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After reading the letter from my father, I was a bit shaken up. Considering my past history with him, I wasn't sure if I was ready to forgive him and let him back into my life just yet. He had after all beaten me, abused me, and locked me in my room and drove me to end my own life. How could I know for sure whether or not I could actually trust him? On the other hand, a strong part of me wanted him to be there for my wedding.

Yet, at the same time I was scared of getting hurt again. Regardless, I had decided to meet my father at the mansion provided that Husk could be there with me. He agreed to my terms and so Husk and I got dressed and went out to the limousine that was waiting out front for us. Husk opens the door for me. I climb in and then he follows behind me.

My knee bounces anxiously as I stare out the window. Taking note of my anxiousness, Husk reaches over and takes my hand. I looked over at him and see him smiling at me lovingly. I give him a small hint of a smile before kissing him on the cheek and laying my head down on his chest. He wraps his other arm around my waist and we sit in silence while heading to my Dad's house.

Within a few minutes, the limousine pulls up to the mansion's gate and the driver announces our arrival. The guard unlocks the gate and the limousine drives through until it reaches the front door of the mansion. I let out a gulp as Husk opens the door and walks around to open my door for me. He offers out his hand and I smile nervously and take it. He helps me up from the seat and closes the door behind me.

He leans up and whispers in my ear as we walk up towards the entrance, "you're going to be fine. I'll be right here every step of the way."

I smile lovingly at him and he smiles back to me.

We knock on the door and the butler answers the door and smiles, "you must be Anthony. The master's been expecting you.
Please come in and wait here."

We walk through the doors and walk out into the foyer and wait for my dad to approach. Within a few minutes a large spider approaches us and I knew instantly that it was my Dad. "Ciao figlio mio," he says placing a kiss on each cheek while I place one on each of his cheeks. "Saluti, padre."

           I take Husk by the hand whom was standing there awkwardly, "papa, I'd like you to meet my fiancè, Daniel. Daniel, this is my papa."

My father shakes hands with Husk, "È un piacere incontrarti." By introducing himself to Husk in Italian, I immediately recognize that my father was testing Husk to see how much he knew about our language and customs.

"Il piacere è tutto mio, signore."

               My father raises an eyebrow at Husk clearly indicating that he was impressed with how well Husk spoke Italian.

"How charming..." He replies trailing off. "I hope you don't mind but I decided that today might be a beautiful day to have lunch outside in the garden."

Husk and I nodded, "I quite agree, papa."

             My father smiles at me slightly, "wonderful. Follow me, please."Husk and I look at one another before following him outside in the garden. We make it outside and are instantly greeted by the fresh, sweet notes of honeysuckle, freesia, lilac, lavender and roses. We take our seats at a patio table that already has our tableware and food set up on top of it.

              The three of us take our seats when it's only a matter of minutes before my brother, Arackniss shows up. I stand up to greet my brother as we kiss each other on the cheeks.

We take our designated seats and my dad decides to open the conversation. "Anthony, your brother and I have a few things that we'd like to say to you while you're here."

                I gulp at the possibility of what that could possibly mean.

My father lets out "a sigh, "Anthony, I want to formally apologize to you for the way I had treated you when you were alive and I'd like to let you know that your name has been added back to the family roster and as a result, you will now receive a portion of my inheritance and you will now and forever be welcome back home anytime."

I smile, "thank you papa."

He smiles back at me.

"So I understand that you two will be getting married in the next couple of weeks?"

                Husk grabs a hold of my hand and we both nodded our heads toward my brother.

"Have you chosen anyone to walk you down the aisle?"

I shake my head, "honestly papa, I hadn't really thought about it too much. I wasn't even sure if any of my family here would even want to come to my wedding with me being gay and all so, I was planning on walking myself down the aisle."

My Dad scratches at the back of his head awkwardly, "well I know that it may be a long shot for me to be asking you this but, would it be okay with you if I walked you down the aisle?

             I know that you and I have had our differences over the years but I want to take the time to prove myself to you. I know that I still have a long ways to go to earn your trust back so, I understand if you refuse."

I feel the tears start to form in my eyes. I felt so conflicted. A part of me feels like this little boy again longing for his father's love, acceptance and approval.

              Yet again, I fear that I may be getting my hopes up. For years, I had wanted this but now that the day has finally came, I'm scared that it's all just a matter of time before I get hurt again.

"I-I don't know, Dad. Honestly, I still feel a bit conflicted about all of this. I've wanted your love and acceptance for so long, for decades to be more precise, and that day never came.

            Now that you're wanting to be the father that I've needed all this time, I'm not even sure about where we stand anymore."

He lets out a sigh, "I understand where you're coming from. How about you take some time to think about it and if you decide that you don't want me to, then I will respect your wishes."

I smiled, "I think that's something that I can do."

He smiles back, "that's great! So whatever it is that you decide, you can try calling me at this number," he says handing me his business card.

I look down and found his phone number. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, "You changed your phone number?"

He grins nodding his head, "we had a few death threats coming in from outside gang territories  so we had to change our number."

Husk and I wipe our lips with a napkin upon finishing up our lunch.

         "Okay, I'll be in touch with you, Dad."

He smiles as he gets up and leads us back into the house."yes of course, I'll be waiting for your call. I give my father a hug and kisses on each cheek while he does the same to me, "I-I love you, Dad."

He smiles, "I love you too, son."

After that, Husk and I turn away hand in hand and make our way out of the main entrance and into the limousine and head for the hotel.

Forever and For Always - A Huskerdust FanFiction SequelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant